Hunters Quiz


This quiz is given for your fun and enjoyment.  Your score is tallied for you at the end but it is not recorded or saved.    This quiz is not a contest and there are no prizes to be won except for personal pride and bragging rights.  Good Luck !

1. Scouting is an important part of any deer hunters strategy. In anticipation of opening day, the best time to scout for deer is ?
A. two months before the season opens
B. two weeks before the season opens
C. one week before the season opens
D. not at all, to prevent polluting the area with human scent.

2. You have found a deer "funnel," a narrow gap through a hilltop saddle, that is 150 yards wide with lots of deer sign. However you can't seem to anticipate where the deer will move through and get close enough for the shot. You should:
A. set up several different stands, watch the wind, and plan the hunt accordingly
B. set up several stands, observe which one the deer pass closest to most often and hunt there
C. pile up brush and dead limbs and other natural barriers to form a small fence that will force the deer to funnel past your stand
D.use a lure-type deer scent to bring the deer closer to your stand

3. A buck is within 30 yards of your stand ,feeding slowly. He stops behind some brush. You come to full draw but the deer doesn't move for a least a minute. You should :
A. take the shot
B. wait for the buck to drop his head or turn away, let your arrow down and wait for a better shot
C. blow a grunt call, hoping he will move forward
D. stay at full draw, no matter how long, and wait

4. Deer have a tremendous sense of smell. One of the most difficult task as a hunter is to keep them from smelling us. To that end you should:
A. always hunt into the wind
B. use masking scents on a regular basis
C. wear freshly laundered clothing at all times
D. lay down several scent trails to and from your stand to confuse the deer

5. You generally hunt an area of public land that receives a lot of hunting pressure. Your best chance of taking a deer in this area is:
A. the first week of the season
B. the first two days of the season
C. opening morning
D. any day of the season because other hunters will push the deer past your stand

6. You have marked the spot of the deer after the shot, but after several minutes of searching you can't find any blood for 75 yards. It is now safe to assume that :
A. you missed cleanly
B. you only grazed the deer and need to track it no further
C. you hit the deer hard and need to track it better by following deer tracks, broken twigs and other sign indicating a running animal
D. mark the spot and go get help

7. Whitetails are social creatures and can often be called in. The most likely way to call a deer in is by:
A. aggressively using rattling horns in a loud, combative manner
B. just tickling the rattling horns together in a soft sparring sound
C. softly using the grunt tube, generally calling infrequently
D. grunting loudly and often

8. Antler growth for whitetail bucks is an annual process. To find bucks with maximum antler growth, you must hunt areas that have quality food, good genetics and deer at least:
A. 1 1/2 years of age
B. 2 1/2 years of age
C. 3 1/2 yeras of age
D. 4 1/2 years of age

9. Any day you can get out and hunt is the best day to be hunting. However, if you had a choice the best day would be:
A. a beautiful sunny day
B. one with a light rain or drizzle
C. during or just after a light snow
D. the day before a strong storm front passes through

10. The rut is on and you found a red hot scrape in good deer area. The best place to set up your tree stand is:
A. on a trail leading directly to the scrape, about 30 yards from the scrape itself
B. directly over the scrape
C. 30 to 50 yards below the scrape (downwind)
D. cross wind from what looks like the most heavily used trail leading to the scrape


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