Turkey Sounds:

Here is a primary list of calls that hens and gobblers use to commnicate throughout the Spring !
A rhythmic, 4 to 10 note series used to locate other turkeys during the day. This call is used by both hens and gobblers. The gobbler yelp is slower and more deep throated than the hen.
Tree Yelp:
A softer, shorter version of the standard yelp. Turkeys of both sexes tree yelp each morning. This call lets the other birds know that all is well.
A soft to loud staccato call used to locate and communicate with other turkeys. This call is used by both hens and gobblers.
A fast irregular series of clucks used by lost or lonley hens who are searching for other turkeys. They are usually loud and agressive and about 15 seconds in duration.
The call used by hens when flying up or down from their roosts. It is a 15 to 20 note call that is also used when flying over clear openings, water ,etc. A cackle is comprised of fast, irregular clucks and yelps. It is followed up with more subtle clucks when the turkey hits the ground.
A soft, fluttering call that is used by both hens and gobblers as they feed. It is used to communicate contentment and relaxation when they are together.
Toms gobble for two reasons. To attract hens and to proclaim their dominance over subbordinate males. The typical gobble lasts about 2-3 seconds. Most gobblers can control the intensity of their gobbling.
Aggravated Purr:
The loud agressive purr and rattles emitted by gobblers as they posture to do battle for the right to breed.
A two note pffffft, duuuuuuuummmmmm vocalization forced from a gobbles chest. He drums for the same reason he gobbles---to attract hens. He can drum softly or loudly depending on the location of the hens. On clear, calm days durmming can be heard as far as 100 yards.
The putt is a loud, sharp alarm call used when a turkey senses danger.

Sample Turkey Calls

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