i would like to make a formal appology to the band and fans of acid bath. the information i had up here originally ( which came from someone in rotten records) was incorrect it stated that the band members were all in rehab which is wrong. Sammy and a fan of acid bath have told me that this is not so. once again i am truly sorry for this misleading information i throw my self at the mercy of your hate mails and ims. please forgive me


acid bath currently has two major releases.

  1. the blue
  2. tranquilized
  3. cheap vodka
  4. fingerpaintings of the insane
  5. jezebel
  6. the scream of a butterflyguitar
  7. dr. seuss is dead
  8. dope fiend
  9. toubabo koomi
  10. god machine
  11. the morticians flame
  12. what color is death
  13. the bones of baby dolls
  14. cassie eats cockroaches
  1. paegan love song
  2. bleed me an oceanguitar
  3. graveflower
  4. diab soule
  5. locust spawning
  6. old skin
  7. new death sensation
  8. venus blue
  9. 13 fingers
  10. new corpse
  11. dead girl
  12. end track

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