---We are all "star crossed". There are many who believe that studying and understanding sun signs can only increase your perception of other people and help you in dealing with them. This may even change your life in significant ways.
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Click herefor a very short Chinese myth concerning young maidens and lusty dragons. Click herefor the second classical Chinese short story with a kicker ending.
---We have been looking forward to offering our viewers a Western astrology site to go along with the Eastern or Oriental Chinese horoscope site within Quester's Territories. If you haven't visited those territories, please do, (click here) for you will find your animal signs there. Below please find your birthdate and sun sign to go to your specific page within this site and locate information about your character traits. How accurate are they? Well only you will be able to gage that. Click on your sign and find out.
---When you finish reading your particular page, come back here to page one and progress down through our "getting to know you" phase of this web-site. We do want to know our visitors and we do care what you think. Also, in case you missed visiting our book store, take the opportunity of going there after finishing your Sun sign page.
Aries Mar. 21- April 20 TaurusApril 21-May 21 GeminiMay 22-June 21 CancerJune 22-July 23 Leo July 24-August 23 VirgoAugust 24-September 23 Libra September 24-October 23 ScorpioOctober 24-November 22 SagittariusNovember 23-December 21 CapricornDecember 22-January 20 AquariusJanuary 21-February 19 PiscesFebruary 20-March 20 check out these astrology books more astrology books even more astrology books can you believe it... more astrology books Also here are the country's best selling books (first five ranked)
?Copyright 2006 Quester & SiangYing beimers@hotmail.com Use e-mail for easily contacting us and making comments. Get our attention by putting "astrology" in the reference line.
This site last updated January 22 2007.
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