Juliana Personal Information

What You Always Wanted To Know About Juliana

Birthday: July 27, 1968

Evan Dado…”and I are friends. We’ll always be friends. He’s my friend. I’m his friend. Evan and I always liked each other, but we both knew as a couple it wouldn’t work. We’re both so…crazy and egotistical.”

Songs Audiences Love Most: “My Sister’ and “Spin The Bottle’

Song Juliana Wishes Audiences Loved More: “Congratulations” Juliana says, “I thought it would make the crowds really crazy…it rocks…it bugs me out because it is so fun to play.

Her Bromide For Loneliness On The Road: Sleep

What Did Juliana Do For The First Time In 1995: Dove into the crowd. Juliana said, “I liked it a lot.”

People Always Think: Juliana said, “I am serious-when I am not.”

Where She Writes: Alone in her apartment.

When She Writes: Late at night.

About That Acting Gig: Juliana said, “I’m not an accomplished actress, I didn’t have enough technique to really know what I was doing. I don’t have any other acting jobs coming up.” You may have seen her in the episode of “My So-Called Life”.

Lives Now: Juliana left Boston for New York City.

She Loves Her Fans: Juliana never cancels concerts-she’s even played in ics storms-and communicates most often with them on computer.

If She Wasn’t Making Music: Juliana said, “I’d be a rotting vegetable.”

Favorite Record Of All Time: Dinosaur Jr.’s “You’re Living All Over Me’.

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Juliana Main Page: Juliana main page.
Juliana News and Tour Information: Juliana news and tour information
Juliana Pictures: Juliana pictures
Juliana Pictures Page 2: More Juliana pictures
Juliana Pictures Page 3: Even more Juliana Pictures
My links page: The sites I visit most often.
Dickhead of the Month: Dickhead of the Month