Nestle DeWynter

It's Nessel, Actually!
Nestle DeWynter the lost Great Thespian Heart throb to whom we dedicate this page.
A man who has suffered for years the mispronounciation of his name.
It is pronounced Nessel DeWinter.
Not Nestlee as in the chocolate.
Or the pretentious Nestell.
Not Dewhineter, for Nestle has never been a whiner.
It is simply and clearly the old English pronounciation:
Nessel DeWinter.

An actor of talent so deep and appearance so pleasing that we knew
a web page had to be created in his honor. An actor to whom we dedicate our hearts
our minds and our sanity.

Nestle has gone to WAR! He's now in that Desert Land entertaining the troops. As we write this he's playing his greatest real life role!
Read his bio and his moving Letters From the Front! War never read this good!
Yes, I want to read about Nestle!

A test shot from a makeup session for Nestle's upcoming film "The New Island of Dr. Moreau" in which Nestle plays Binks the dog faced boy. The studio is sending us a poster as soon as it comes off the presses!

Finally the book you have been waiting for is only at the Classics Decomposed Nestle DeWynter page! "It's Nessle, actually:The Unauthorized Autobiography of Nestle DeWynter"

Last Updated on March 2003 the first full day of WAR! Return to the Classics Decomposed