silly grrl

just a few tidbits about yours truly

*i can't sleep later than 7:30 or 8 any morning
*i am a total neat freak and my room is spotless
*i don't eat any cooked veggies except corn
*i'm right handed but yet i do cartwheels with my left hand on the ground first
*i have some of the weirdest sayings
*i sing in the shower
*i eat french fries and tator tots but can't stand any kind of potatoes!
*i memorize things very easily, but i tend to forget things a lot
*i hate anything having to do with grape (ex: lip smackers, popsicles, suckers, candy, etc) but i love actual grapes
*i won't eat ketchup on my hamburgers/hot dogs if they are on a bun
*i've never in my life ordered anything with a hamburger at mcdonalds or hardees
*i have a name for every doll, my little pony, barbie, little people, etc. that we own
*people can call me anything but kris. that drives me nuts
*i am L - A - Z - Y
*i like vh1 more than MTV
*i have a summer and winter comforter for my bed (flowers for spring, flannel for winter)
*my parents are divorced and have been since 5th grade
*i don't drink or smoke and never have
*i'm obsessed with gelly roll pens. i have around 60.
*the nearest mall from where i live is 45 minutes
*i get scared easily but love watching horror movies
*i could sit on the phone for hours and not run out of things to say
*my family and friends thinks i talk too much and have a big mouth
*i deal cards from the bottom of the deck even though i know you're not supposed to but it doesn't feel right from the top
*i have millions of pictures/picture frames around my room