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(a caring European agency)

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E u r o p e a n  T r a v e l  and C u l t u r e

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align="center">Antiquing in England      http://members.tripod.

European culture is easier to appreciate for "Globetrotters"  :

           *  You are informed of cultural events well in advance.

          *  You know the local customs, holidays, exchange rates,etc.

          *  You have comfortable accommodations close to tourist sights.

          *  You stay within your budget.

Staffed by Europeans, Globetrotter's Travels is a European- style agency located in the United States, which offers reliable advice to make your travel experience a happy one regardless of your purse size ! All inquiries are treated with utmost care.We cater to a complete range of budget considerations. Customer Service is a tradition with us !

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Globetrotters Travels - Telephone number:  214 - 793 7739

Contact us for further information about our services. Each itinerary is customized for individuals and/or groups.  The discriminating visitor will be offered a feast of travel opportunities.