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Banner Trivia Fact Banner Joke Banner Question Banner Do you believe in speaking your mind about a controversial topic and risk getting other people mad or having other people not like you or do you try to keep quiet and keep your opinions to your self? Some people speak up all the time, some rarely speak up, and some never speak up.
icon Does keeping quiet really help keep the peace or does it cause major blow ups when people later explode or get angry over something that is unrelated and is a lot less important and controversial.

Many health experts believe it is better to speak up than to keep angry opinions bottled up as long as it is done in a non violent way and one that uses discretion and diplomacy and does not deliberately try to cause a riot or start a war.
icon In a democracy like the United States there may be fewer major was due to the opportunity for any one to have the freedom to speak up without fear of jail but there are still many smaller fight and confrontations, from riots, protests, and strikes since people in a democracy believe in themselves first and the community and the country last and frequently don't take into account how their words and actions direcly and indirectly affect the lives of others, especially strangers, and people they may never meet.
Banner - Will Add Are artists controversial?
Banner - Will Add What is your opinion on all of this? Does your opinion matter? Has anyone heard and acted upon your own opinion? Does your own opinion matter?

Are you a Controversial Person?

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Are entertainers controversial?

Does the word controversy mean the same in each language?

!Register-It!               - Promote Your Web Site! Does being controversial make you money or lose you money?

icon Do any companies or schools teach a course or degree in controversy?
Is a war the direct result of extreme controversy?

What Is A Controversial Subject To You?

Do people who are controversial usually get reward or punished?

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  • icon Does controversy ever lead to peace?

    Controversial Subjects - abortion, war, violence, relationships, money, politics, race, sex, housing, jobs, immigration, welfare
    icon Controversy Movies
    icon Controversy Publications

    Do You Like Controversy?

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    HREF="">To >>learn more about WebPosition, Click Here. Does controversy always sever relationships?
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    Controversy Opinion
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  • icon Controversial Legislation - Abortion, healthcare reform
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    Is The Amount Of Controversy Increasing Or Decreasing In The World?

    icon Do you think you yourself are controversial?
    Controversial People - the media, photojournalists, politicians, teachers, community activists, terrorists.
    icon Does discussing controversy improve or worsens the situation?
    icon Do terrorists stir up controversy?

    Submit your page to 34 popular sites for Add Me! Controversy Statistics
    Do you think teachers stir up controversy?

    Is Controvery Good For The Economy?

    !Register-It! - Promote Your Web Site! Do you believe in speaking your mind about a controversial topic and risk getting other people mad or having other peple not like you or do you try to keep qiuet and keep your opinions to your self? Some people speak up all the time, some rarely speak up, and some never speak up.
    icon Does keeping quiet really help keep the peace or does it cause major blow ups when people later explode or get angry over something that is unrelated and is a lot less important and controversial.

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    A Proud Menber of the One & Only Associate Network

    Legislation Do you enjoy being around controversial people?

    !Register-It!               - Promote Your Web Site! In a democracy like the United States there may be fewer major was due to the opportunity for any one to have the freedom to speak up without fear of jail but there are still many smaller fight and confrontations, from riots, protests, and strikes since people in a democracy believe in themselves first and the community and the country last and frequently don't take into account how their words and actions direcly and indirectly affect the lives of others, especially strangers, and people they may never meet.

    What controversial topics do you think are worth getting involved in?
    icon Joke What controversial subjects do you try to avoid?

    Does Controversy Improve Or Ruin On's Health?

    Statistics What is the biggest controvery of all?

    Music Boulevard

    What would the world be like without any controversy?
    Non Controversy Links
    Controversial Games Is the justice system controversial?
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    How do you define the word controvery? What would the world be like withoutcontrovery? Boring?

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    What is your suggestion on how to improve the terrible situation of increasing worldwide literacy? Do you think any courses should be taught on this subject in schools to improve the relations between different countries and groups?

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