No Matter
I see the pain in your tender blue eyes,
No matter how hard this pain you try to disguise.
I can feel this loneliness and these feelings of despair,
I'm part of you and I will always be there.
I know that you feel abandoned
And like you have no one to turn to,
But no matter the reason, no matter the cost,
I am here for you.
I can't find the words to express the love I have for you.
But my love is genuine and very true.
I hold your heart close to mine,
Because my love for you is one of a kind.
You are the one I adore,
And every day I love you more.
I will be here for you to lean on when you are weak,
I will be here when it's love you seek.
Even in good times to come,
I will be here to love you because you are my mom.
There is no one that could begin to even compare,
Or even come close to the love we share.
And NO MATTER I will always be there.
~ Terena ~

Another "Original Poem" from GoAheadRED!
