That Day
September 11 began as just another day,
Little did we know that terror was on its way.
The planes were overtaken shortly after leaving the runway,
Within minutes thousands of innocent people became prey.
The twin towers were bursting in flames,
Everyone's hearts and lives had been slain.
Americans are hurt and scarred deeply from this great loss,
Self Defense is what we seek, no matter the cost.

Hurt fear and anger we felt all at one time,
We couldn't believe someone could commit this great crime.
Our love and freedom is what they hate,
But trust me, GOD will seal their fate.
Keep your faith and hold that love near,
Because Gods love conquers any fear.
My faith and belief in God will abide,
Comfort and Peace he will provide.

So listen to God the message is loud and clear,
Look to God and he will appear.
To all the nations that are by our side,
Our loyalty and Thankfulness goes world wide.
Look to the heavens for that Panoramic view,
The almighty GOD is behind the Red, White and Blue.
This was written with love on September 11,
2001 ©Terena McCall