welcome to the future! casa de chupacabra 2014
Our 5th Year on the
Internet has truly begun. Thanks
to all 50,000 + visitors
for stopping by and seeing the page.
Hope you keep coming back y'hear ? :)
THe new revision, up with the sun all over
texas, taumaulipas, oklahoma,
mississippi and louisiana
and all points on the planet.
updated 09/03/14
hello, is this thing on?!?!?.
Our New guestbook.. sign anew
if you haven't signed already
cause the above guestbook
seems more manageable thaN
the old ones i had.
music by george tassaras
for cdc 2001

Listen to the suggested final words
of your average chupacabra victim ^_~
This page is sponsored
by All the Chupacabras and their fans Worldwide.
Chupacabras are goat sucking, nocturnal alien
panthers who've been stranded years ago on earth.
They can fly, evade much human detection
And have intrigued the paranormal community
and Hispanic America for years. Origionally
discovered in puerto rico, and since mostly seen
in Miami, Mexico, and the Southwest U.S.,
Chupacabras are rapidly replacing yetis and
the loch ness monster as the most popular
legendary monsters on planet earth...
Maybe Beyond.
From their first appearances in puerto rico,
the chupas have spread like wildfire
both netwise and worldwide. Their targets are
livestock, but most notoriously they have
gone after the blood of goats (hence the
english translation of their name 'goat-sucker')
The main chupacabras hideouts are unknown
at this time but it's most assumed that
they burrow underground, are quite nocturnal and yes,
seem to leave different impressions on
those who witness them. Usually they are depicted
as everything from winged raptors, to fanged birds
and bats on both electronic, fabric and mental media.
Proof of their existence is growing more and more
relevant these days as movies and news reports tell of
what the chupacabra is. In san Antone, it was captured
on the news. In Zapata, it is celebrated with an annual
festival. On t-shirts it is cariactured as many things
both dramatic and humorous. It is everywhere from web
pages, to children's books, and in myth and legend.
And in the internet, the chupacabras are
revered in song and in drawings all over the world.
This page is for the revelation of chupacabras and
the net links that honor these new supernatural
characters most unusual and rare in earth
and on the web, and maybe the truth about them
will hopefully be revealed to you as well.
And now, for Some things chupacabra....
A new suggested sound
of chupacabras attacking
a unsuspecting goat.
the older one
of the chupacabras attacking
HREF="http://www.artbell.com/audio/chupa.wav">Hear Clyde
Lewis and Charlene Spencer's rendition of
the macarena - from ground zero productions
and mike siegel's site.
His unofficial page is located at:
This underlined URL is Clyde Lewis's
unofficial home page. Enjoy!
For those with a midi card,
Hear the sweet music
of the Chupacabra's distant galaxy.
Goat Posters
A new image of
an apparent chupacabra roadkill,
by arshawsky@earthlink.net. Thanks!
For diehard chupacabras,
Download a goat poster TO WHET YOUR APPETITE ^_~
See what a chupa might see
and think through those red, red eyes...
Read the minds of goats
doomed for a future existence as good,
tasty cabrito.. by chupacabras OR humans.
a goat
poster for your goat viewing pleasure.
Straight from Edinburgh, texas to your place.
a goat
poster for your goat viewing pleasure.
NEW! a brand new goat
poster for your goat viewing pleasure.
NEW! view what we think of this
rather bad u.s. election.. the mexican
one went a lot better than this one,
i'll tell you this much!
animated from austin, texas.
View our old guestbook
of those who's passed by this page.
View some of my
personal history and this page's in its founding months.
See some of
the emails i've recieved
during this page's early days.
For those who have new Chupacabra
Links, info, sightings, (ETC)
why not Email or Snailmail me!
As Always my email contact is as follows:

And As always, I still exist in brownsville,
ready to take all postcards and emails
from anyone interested in the chupacabra phenom.
For those who want to contact me via postal mail
instead of by electronic means,
send postcards of your city to:
Charles Duncan, 99 stephens,
Camilla, Ga ?????
And while you're here,
Check out these other noteworthy pages....
All new as of 8:20AM 2/16/99

buses in dallas, texas
a information site on laredo, texas
the weather in laredo, tx
Laredo, tx bridge cam
Info on Kingsville, texas
More info on Kingsville
See Dallas, tx from above
information on Dallas, Texas
information on fort worth , texas
information about Austin, texas
See Houston, tx from above
a information site on galveston , tx
a information site on san antonio, tx
a information site on corpus christi, texas
a news site on mcallen, texas
A info site on Mcallen ,texas"
Information on dallas/fort worth
a info page on Arlington
NEW as of 7/18/00
Info on electric poles, and
pictures from my recent day trip
TRULY northwards in texas...
A online language translator
For Homepages.. translates most home pages in many

Jeff Greeson's Realm of
Mortal Kombat, one of the best information
sources for news about the Mortal Kombat
video game saga.
Free/shareware search service
New!Free Net/Web Email at mailexcite
Free Web
Mail at hotmail
Free Net/Web
Email at netaddress
Free Net/Web Email at rocketmail
Free maps on the web at mapblast
lots of sounds for
remixing, hehe heh hhe..
even more Free maps on the web at mapsonus
Free Net pages
STILL MORE! Free Net pages
Free counters from pagecount in
many varied categories.
What follows are pages related to
places i have lived in , and have visited
during a multiple number of vacations out
of the valley.
Come and visit my other notable home pages
The Incorporateds fiction page
stories written by myself about anthorpormorphs
living in the 1970's who fight the misguided
of the Sangurian empire across
the milky way. Hope you come and see it!
My favorite Channels of Undernet: come and drop on by!
- #texas - #houston #wrestling
#austin #starwars - #dfwmetro -
at 9:00 central time on us.undernet.org
and other fine Undernet irc servers.
Stop by these other fine places on your net travels...
latest chupacabra vids can be found thisaways
the electric pole shrine
the electric pole shrine
the realm of long-neck
These Usenet Newsgroups are or have been
a good source of Chupacabra info.
rec.humor - alt.fan.art-bell - alt.horror
alt.horror.creative - alt.alien.visitors
alt.paranormal - alt.paranet.ufo -
Post here if you got chupacabra information...
Special notice from the gafhana:
(CLick below to see the larger, rotating image)
- -
This picture courtesy of gafanha@netwave.com.br
Click here to go to his page.
Information on dallas,
texas, one of the few cities i've
been to twice in my life.

Many Chupacabra Nesting Sites
are Below, come flock to them... ^_^
Founded on july 18th, 1996
moved HERE! on July 18th, 1997
Our THIRD!! Year began July 18th,1999!
Our FOURTH!!! Year began July 18th, 2000!
Year FIVE!!!! Started July 18th, 2001!
Year 18! just was amazed how long this page has been going on...
Started July 18th, 2002!For those who ever wondered what was on the chupacabra
page when it first started, here is the very 1st chupacabra
drawing i ever seriously did. thanks for

The Newest Pages about chupacabras reside here.
(new link) below:
Chupacaba videos
A new video explaining the chupacabra phenomenon.
information on a wine drink named after the
chupacabra - funniest pic yet of one.
A new chupacabra page with images and links.
Also has a couple of images of goats.
Information on the chupacabra society
with lots of humorous .. humor . :)
---Marie Lee =marie.lee@yale.edu= wrote:
there is a new book, NIGHT OF THE
CHUPACABRAS, a kids' book that is
coming out this Halloween. Might
you include this info on you page?
coming out with a major publisher,
Avon Books. A reply would be
appreciated. Keep up the good work!
For a image/info about this new
book (sounds entertaining)
try this link at:
A brand new chupacabra page
with images and links and new pictures. Also has a good
sense of humor and unusual content. Check this one
today as it is perhaps the first new page of 1998,
with both new and classic info and links combined.
thanks to gouken of #rgvc for these newest sites.
Info on all aspects of the
paranormal worldwide.
Information on the new chupacabra
attacks in Puerto rico , as well as the
upcoming movie on chupacabras.
A new shockwave song about the
chupacabra. Worth a listen as it rocks and also
has some humor too.
varied reports on the chupacabras, bigfoot and other strange creatures
from rainbow,texas..
the freaky friday chupacabra page,
a new chupacabra links page.
a page on chupacabras with more
up-to date info on the good ol' alien panthers. ^_^
Note that they now also go under
the name of Mapinguari.
Information on the capture of a chupacabra
in San Antonio, Texas from sightings.com.
A new chupacabra page which
has new articles and info on
the chupacabra festivals in
zapata, texas.
this page explains in greater detail
what the chupa is , where it is,
where it comes from and also includes
additional info on the ogopogo..
Newer Pages worth checking out
Zach Johnson's 2nd chupacabra
page at tripod (the 1st is on
For those who need alien
t-shirts with juvenile humor,
check this page out..
View different t-shirt images
that the chupacabra has graced
his prescence upon.
Information on different
aliens, including the chupas and the e.b.e.s..
at the LUXOR/UFO site...
newly discovered article about the chupacabra phenom... is the truth a
coverup? read on...
A more up to date report
on the chupacabra from strange magazine.
Info on the chupa from
the skeptic's dictionary.
An article from Lyn Votava
about chupa sitings and popularity
around the el paso area.
Info from San Jose Mercury
online on the chupacabra's appearances
near the SF bay region.
An animated image of the chupa
And political cartoons relating to hispanic life.

Special thanks to Confuseous@aol.com for this
Chupacabra picture.
link for the chupacabra worth looking at.
Home Page
One of the primary links for chupacabra info.
As always, Thanks for listing my page....
Tshirts for Chupacabra fans
Look here for tshirts and more goods.
is the spawning Ground's Chupacabra page.... Our strangest link.
adult Interview/parody of Chupacabra...
Not for all ages but sure funny...
Homie This is one of the better done home pages.
link to an article about the Chupacabra, in Spanish.
Article from the Tucson Weekly with
some cool depictions of the Chupacabra.
of Chupacabra Tracks.
commentary on the Chupacabra
from Irregular johnathan.
great chupacabra article from turner-sama's
website with drawings, victims and survivors.
the Chupacabra thanks for listing my page... I like the ape planet
pic too @_@
(added prior to 5/13/97)
new links page from the
Phoenix gate.
new chupacabra page offering an available
video on a recent journey to puerto rico they took.
A chupacabra recipie
for making corn chupacabra-dogs.
El }-{ |= | |_ E S(The
Chupatruth is STILL, STILL Not in there...) ~_~
(yes there was a www.chupacabra.com but it
pointed to www.princeton.edu/~accion/chupa.htm)
Our old guestbook is at
Our guestbook archive has moved.
A mirror site of that should be up soon.
Now with all the old entries from our
previous guestbook restored...
One last AND timeless chupacabra resource...
Come and Visit Art Bell's Page, while you're here!
Almost here....
Deja vu strikes again! :)
- w a t c h - t h e - s k i e s -
LinkExchange Member
All pen drawings and midis have been donated by fans of the page,
and all multicolor images created by longneck@rocketmail.com
please don't directly link them, just download them if you
wanna use them on your page.
Chupaguests have been this way...
this page does
require the plugins shockwave, java or active x.
Revision 29.1
My last trip was for seeing
Camilla and Cairo,GA in the same day....
Hopefully it will not be long
before i see both anew..
Go back to the main page
visit our fine sponsor's pages in the little browser window.
Visit our page in Espanol
come back soon , we shall always be glad you came here.