BarnYarD's Goats

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We raise goats, mostly mutt goats (field goats) and we think they are the most useful and versatile, of all the farm animals. They make great companions, too.
We like talking about goats, hearing about them, emailing about them, looking at them, and talking TO them (they don't speak English yet but they DO talk back). So write to us about goats. email contact
Goat Experience:personal anecdotes used as a framework to express concern for goat health and happiness. Included are a couple of links to sites and people who know a lot about goats.
Some pictures of us: includes some Mutt Goats

Here are some great links with love from the Barnyard.


The Mutt Goat Registry:Register your mutt goats online free!
Ponders End Farm: Nigerian Dwarves
Peck of Salt: Cartoons about the simple life--and very good ones, too. Home Page:My favorite bookstore. Check out the animal books. I recommend GOAT HUSBANDRY by David Mackenzie

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Please, please don't leave messages about sick goats that need immediate attention on the guestbook. Seriously ill goats need a vet. Otherwise, I LOVE seeing posts to the guestbook.

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