OBJECTIVE; To learn about the first Thanksgiving, how it came to be a national holiday, the weather and nutrition which affected the Pilgrims, and the background of the people who celebrated - both Pilgrims and Native Americans. To be able to write a report in story form, depicting the first Thanksgiving. To be able to prepare and serve a true Thanksgiving meal - one that the early settlers really might have eaten.

DUE: Completed Thanksgiving Unit Study will be due the Friday before Thanksgiving week. All written work involved should be kept in a file folder or prong folder, to be turned in. You may use a notebook for keeping track, but will need to use the Word Processor on the computer for the finished work. If you wish, you may set up a folder on the Desktop to store your computer work in until you are ready to print it out. Please don't use WordPad or Notepad, since it will not set up as well as Word Processor.

If you wish, you may also embellish your written work with clip art or photographs you have imported into your files


Write the definitions.


Web sites


Nutrition Information
The Holiday Spot
Follow the links for further information
Do the online activities listed on the links above.

DAY 1 - 7: Journaling

Each day until Thanksgiving Day, keep a journal of what you do. Include chores, schoolwork, prayer time, running errands, etc. Make a note at the end of the day telling what percentage of time you spent in prayer, thanking God for what you have.

DAY 1: Research the Pilgrims and Puritans. Learn where they came from, who they were, where they traveled, and why the came to this country.

DAY 2: Foods Pilgrims ate.

Look up the following foods to learn the nutritional value of each:

DAY 3: Weather

Learn about the weather the Pilgrims experienced that first winter. Compare/contrast it to last winter in your area. Write a paragraph about both.

DAY 4: Native people.

DAY 5: The Proclamation

DAY 6: Scripture

DAY 7: Write a report about your view of Thanksgiving, and why we should or should not continue to celebrate it. Give facts and data to back up your position. Write this in the form of an editorial or a letter to the editor. (You won't need a bibliography, etc.)

DAY 8: Tell the story of the first Thanksgiving. Maintain the readers' interest. Write it in such a way that a 7 year old child will understand it completely.

DAY 9: Prepare a meal similar to what the Pilgrims might have eaten during the first Thanksgiving. Use what you have learned about the available foods to do this. Serve the meal to your family. Keep it as authentic as possible. When speaking. attempt to speak as they would have spoken to one another.

While serving, sing the traditional Thanksgiving song.

(C) 2001 Ann Crum