I can customize any photo you want to add to your site, as long as they are of good quality. I took this photo with a Sony digital.

Hi there! So, you want a personal web page and are trying to
find out how much I charge? If you are anything like me
when you first started on the web, everything was like a
new Greek language. I have experience creating web pages
for the past 10 years. I have experience with Adobe Photoshop,
Corel Draw, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Frontpage, and
Microsoft Publisher, also with CGI and Perl.
I can put online any information you want to advertise
on the world wide web. I am the webmaster of many
personal sites and 4 professional non-profit websites. (see below)
I charge 100 dollars a page, since there may be many pages
and lots of graphics in each website.

Click on the inquire here button and just fill
out the form on the bottom of the page,
I will send an immediate reply.


I want you to feel comfortable with seeing some of my pages as so you will see my capabilities. I have put quite a few people online and I have a lot of personal pages that I have made over the years. I have a huge photo album of my family here. They are not fancy but make it nice if you have an occasion you want to put online.

Here are the
pages I made for
AA & Al-Anon in Northern Kentucky.

AA in Northern Kentucky

Al-Anon in Northern Kentucky

I also enjoy making graphics which is what will enhance your pages. Here is an example of a drawing Celine drew I scanned and I graphically enhanced.

This picture was a pencil sketch, I added the colors

Here is another photo I took and added some personalization



Here is the first page I made, I have a
number of versions on other servers but it is
Tripod who has hosted my free page for over
5 years now and I highly recommend their services to
anyone who wants a page without paying a monthly or yearly fee.

Mark's Recovery Pages

spacerThis page is now made by my dear Christian Friend who was a rock while I was homeless working my way off the streets (making web pages). We met online after I sent in a request for prayers and she expressed a desire to be able to send her weekly Praises to Jesus to her mailing list without having AOL crash all the time so I talked her into trying to make a web page and sending a URL instead of a long e-mail. She has taught herself how to make pages as I did and is doing an excellent job all by herself now!
Praises To Jesus
Reverend Steve Verde asked me to make
him a page after being refereed from Ferne.
Christian Church of God
spacerI told a lady friend at Welcome House (a non-profit organization that helps
the poor, homeless and mentally ill) that I would help her with her web
page for their yearly sleepout.
Photos    Sleepout Info
I have been working for this company for the
past 2 years and webmaster of this site!
Recovery Network of Northern Kentucky
spacerI was asked to produce the Mental Health Association's page too.
Those of us working at Recovery Network are under the
umbrella of the Mental Health Association's (501(c) (3) non profit license.
Mental Health Association of Northern Kentucky

Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission
spacerA non-profit agency asked me to build this page for them this year:
The Homeless and Housing Coalition of Northern Kentucky
Reverend Ray Keen and his wife contacted me through Rev. Steve Verde
and we got together and made this simple page for him.
Heart Touch Ministries
spacerHere is an example of a page I made for an attorney: