Son Gohan's Gingaman Page

Thanks to Cory Machida for allowing me to use these pictures until I can scan Pictures from my own magazines.

Seijuu Sentai Gingaman is copyright 1998 Toei, TV Asahi 

Seijuu Sentai (Star-Beast Task Force) Gingaman

Gingaman is a group of five warriors who received the power of the 
five great animals of justice called "Seijuu" (Star-Beasts) 3000 
years ago to protect peace in space. They are the super warriors who 
have a power called "Aasu" (Earth?) that lets them control things 
like fire and water and who Ryouma and the others transform into. 

From left to right: Ginga Pink, Ginga Blue, Ginga Red, Ginga Green, Ginga Yellow 

Ginga Red (Ryouma) 

Ginga Red's Star-Beast is a lion-like beast. Like a lion, he bravely 
confronts his enemies. He possesses the Earth of "Flame" and is not 
discouraged by any troubles.

Ginga Green (Hayate)

Ginga Green's Star-Beast is a dragon-like creature. Like a dragon 
that flies through the sky, his specialty is fighting in mid-air. He 
possesses the Earth of "Wind" and is always cool-headed.

Ginga Blue (Gouki)

Ginga Blue's Star-Beast is a gorilla-like creature. Like a gorilla, 
he has great power. He possesses the Earth of "Water" and is 
physically strong with a gentle personality.

Ginga Yellow (Hikaru) 

Ginga Yellow's Star-Beast is a wolf-like beast. Like a wolf, he 
attacks his enemies with swift movements. He possesses the Earth of 
"Thunder" and has a cheerful personality.

Ginga Pink (Saya)

Ginga Pink's Star-Beast is a wildcat-like creature. Like a wildcat, 
she moves with agility and splendor. She possesses the Earth of 
"Flowers" and is a cheerful girl.


From left to right: Saya, Gouki, Ryouma, Hayate, Hikaru 

Ginga Bracelet

Their changing items are the Ginga Bracelets. They were given to 
Ryouma's ancestors by the Star-Beasts 3000 years ago during a battle 
for peace in the universe when Ryouma's ancestors lent their strength 
to the battle. They can only be used by those who have strong 
"Earth". To change, the dial on the bracelet is turned so that the 
arrow points to the corresponding color. 

Seijuuken (Star-Beast Sword) 


Their swords are called "Seijuuken" (Star-Beast Swords) and they can 
use the swords along with their respective Earth powers. 

Ginga Red: He can envelop his enemies in fire when he swings his sword.
Ginga Green: He can raise a "kamaitachi" (something like a biting wind) to cut his enemies with.
Ginga Blue: He can use his water power to put out an enemy's fire attacks or freeze enemies with a cold blast.
Ginga Yellow: He can use a thunder attack from his sword.
Ginga Pink: She can shower enemies with "flower petal bombs". 

Jizaiken Kiba (Free Sword Machine Blade) 

(See group photo above for Gingaman members holding Kibas) 

Their individual weapons are fang-shaped small blades called 
"Jizaiken Kiba" ("Free Sword Machine Blade" ("kiba" also means "fang" 
but is written with the kanji for "machine blade"). They all look the 
same but each one can change into a special type of individual 

Ginga Red's Kiba becomes the Kiba Cutter, a small daggerlike knife.

Ginga Green's Kiba becomes the Kiba Shot, a double-barrelled gun weapon.

Ginga Blue's Kiba becomes the Kiba Claw, a handheld double bladed weapon.

Ginga Yellow's Kiba becomes the Kiba Knives, two small daggers.

Ginga Pink's Kiba becomes the Kiba Arrow, a bow that fires energy projectiles.

(Sorry, that's the best I could do for Yellow and Pink) 

Juusouba (Beast Running Horses)


They ride special horses called "Juusouba" ("Beast Running Horses"), 
each with a headdress, saddle, and leg ornaments colored according to 
the person riding it. 

Gingaman's homeland -- the Ginga Forest 

The people who live in the Ginga Forest are descended from those who 
fought against evil alongside the Star-Beasts 3000 years ago. There 
was a barrier around the forest that enabled them to live peacefully. 

Gingaman's comrades:

Oogi, an elder of the forest who selected Ryouma and the others. 


Bokku, a forest fairy who loves playing tricks and who has a big hat 
that looks like an inverted acorn.


Hyuuga, Ryouma's older brother, who was supposed to have become Ginga Red.


Aoyama Yuuta, who became lost in the Ginga Forest with his father and 
met Ryouma and the others. He teaches them about the present-day world.

Space Pirates Barban

The enemies are evil space pirates called Barban. 

From left to right: Shelinda, Captain Zahab, Pucrates

3000 years ago, in the fight with the Star-Beasts, Barban was 
defeated and sent to the bottom of the ocean. Now they have risen 
again and are trying to revive the giant monster Dytanix, who was 
turned to stone.

Captain Zahab (Zeihabu Senchou)is the boss of the space pirates and 
is very violent. 

Pucrates (Pukuratesu) is a scientist who is researching a way to 
revive Dytanix. 

Shelinda (Sherinda) is a cold-hearted female warrior whose specialty 
is fighting with a sword. 

Barban uses 4 different armies:


The Iliess (Iriesu) Army (top left), led by Iliess who uses black magic.
One of their monsters is a green vine-like creature called Medoumedou. 

The Sambash (Sanbasshu) Army (top right), led by Sambash who is skilled with guns.
One of their monsters is a red and black creature with a big claw on one hand, called Korushizaa. 

The Batobas (Battobasu) Army (bottom left), led by the evil god of power, Batobas.
One of their monsters is a big metallic-looking monster called Dangusu.

The Budoo Army (bottom right), led by the evil samurai Budoo.
One of their members is a monster dressed in old-style Japanese 
clothes with a basket over his head, called Komuhachi. 

The soldiers are orange fighters with red-and-green swim trunks and bandanas called Yartots (Yaatotto). 

Episode Summaries:
Mr Aoyama encounters a strange little acorn creature in the woods. He 
excitedly draws a picture of it. His son, Yuuta, has some doubts 
about his father's sanity and opts for hanging out in the car, while 
his dad searches for the creature. The creature, Bokku, in the 
meantime crosses a dimensional portal to... 

It reminds me of a fair. People are gathered, unfolding materials and 
talking. A rope barrier designates the location of the dimensional 
gateway to the human world. The weather is equally snowy as the woods 
the kid and his father are in.... The forest wizard Oogi paces 
nervously in around the five swords, waiting for the ceremony in 
which he will give them to the five young people meant to bear them.

Ryouma and Hyuuga are in mock battle. Ryouma, the younger of the two 
brothers, shoots light bolts from his hands. Hyuuga responds with a 
full scale, but not serious, flame. They stop battling when Hyuuga's 
team-mates arrive. Saya is half-flirtatious, half-sisterly in teasing 
the two brothers. Gouki is tall and nervous and too big for his own 
feet. Hikaru is brash and young and overconfident. Harate is calmer.

Ryouma congratulates them on their appointment as champions of the 
people. The others head to the ceremony. The little Bokku comes and 
Ryouma goes with him across the gate into the human world.

Mr Aoyama has been gone long enough that Yuuta is starting to worry 
about him. He looks for his dad, then almost gets landed on as Ryouma 
comes crashing down through the gateway. Ryouma is checking to see 
that Bokku is all right, when the little guy says, "Behind you!" 
Seeing Yuuta, Ryouma kicks Bokku out of sight, but the little boy has 
already seen too much.

It is the presentation ceremony. Oogi presents each warrior with 
their sword, which they accept solemnly and bow to him. Their mission 
(should they choose to accept it, hahaha) is to retrieve the devices 
of ancient lore which will change them into their battle-gear. The 
trouble is these devices are stored in a mountain in the human 
dimension. (Hence, the gates)

As Oogi tells the people the legend, Ryouma is telling Yuuta of the 
giant demon-island, sunk under the sea three-thousand years ago, and 
the mighty guardian beasts, the gorilla, wild cat, wolf, lion and 

For the time has come when the villains, on their ship the 
"Daitanikusu" will awaken from their 3,000 year imprisonment under 
the sea.

Under the sea it is as though there is a quake. The sand and crusting 
of 3 millennia begins to drop off the snarling stone face of the 
great, reptile shaped ship. It rises to the surface. Sanbasshu is the
 first to wake, firing his weapon madly in joy of being free. 
Shierinda comes out next. Battobasu appears from the water. Iriesu is
 suddenly there on the stairs. Budou, with stoic samurai-ness, 
arrives. The Yaatotto rush into the room all excited and dancing for 
joy. Shierinda addresses one of the barrels, and when it fails to 
react, jabs it. Pukuratesu unfolds himself, complaining indignantly.
 Captain Zaihabu comes out, his bulk dwarfing the room. The others 
fall silent, their respective pennants unfurling above them as he 
makes a speach about how now they'll have what they want.
They come to the human world, dropping the Yaatotto through the roof 
of a mall. Random terrorizing and destruction, as Budou tests his 
sword on a column of metal, and is satisfied when the column falls 
apart where he cut it. Iriesu attacks a jewelry store using sound to 
paralyse the humans. She collects all the jewels. A building crumples
 to dust under their attack.

The five heroes mount their horses and cross the dimensions. Ryouma 
sees them ride by in surprise. He follows, Yuuta fast on his tail. 
Captain Zaihabu attacks the heroes, with Pukuratesu and several 
Yaatotto. The heroes fight in the manner of the guardian beast. Like 
a cat, a lion, a dragon. Etc.

Hyuuga fights the Captain and is injured. Ryouma runs in to try to 
help, but his power is much too small. Hyuuga throws himself in the 
way of a devastating blast meant for his little brother. The 
Captain's blast opens a crevasse into which Hyuuga falls. He clings 
to the edge and Ryouma frantically tries to pull him up. But another 
blast shakes them apart, and Hyuuga slides out of reach. Realizing he
 cannot escape, Hyuuga hands his sword up to Ryouma, telling him to 
take it. To remember every day that his older brother believes in 
him. Hyuuga lets himself fall and the crevasse closes on him.

With a scream, Ryouma accepts the full power that is his inheritance. 
They summon the devices from the mountain and change into their 
battle-gear. The villains back out of the fight, for now, returning 
to their sea base. Young Yuuta witnesses it all. He watches as the 
team stands over the site of Hyuuga's death and welcomes Ryouma, 
though they grieve. He watches as they swear their alliance to defeat
 the evil villains. 

Episode 2
Captain Zaihabu remembers the good old days, when they flew amongst 
the stars in their spaceship/monster. They killed and took what they 
pleased, powering Daitanikusu with the energy of starts it swallowed 
up. The villains are determined to gather enough energy to leave the 
The wake for lost Hyuuga. All bow their heads solemnly as Oogi says 
the prayers. Gouki begins to weep, and that sets off the children. 
Ryouma cannot help but remember the moment his brother fell. Later, 
the five gather. Hikaru is upset because they lack a leader. He 
thinks Ryouma should take the position, being as how he had inherited 
everything else of Hyuuga's. Ryouma declines, feeling he is not 
qualified. In the sky, five stars glow with each Gingaman color.

The villains, too, are upset. They feel the need for more energy, for
 freedom from this earthly prison. They each summon their first 
monsters, then begin to fight over whose should be sent on the energy-
gathering mission. Shierinda stops their bickering and Captain 
Zaihabu flings cards to each of them. A particular card means that 
one's monster is first. Sanbasshu wins. Pukuratesu gives his monster 
the small receptacle to gather energy, frantically cautioning him to 
be careful with it. And they go!

Yuuta and his father are driving into town when they come across the 
Yaatotto attacking civilians. To their amazement, the monster is 
picking up cars, poking holes in their tas tanks and draining the gas
 into the box. They are largely leaving the humans alone, interested 
only in gathering the energy, but there is a great deal of damage and
 people are getting injured from shrapnel, especially when the 
Yaatatto accidently blow up a car.

Hearing about the attack, the Gingaman are about to go to help the 
humans. Unfortunately, while Sanbasshu's monster is off doing its 
thing, Shierinda is tracking down the hidden land. She has a good 
idea of where to look (how, I don't know), and eventually finds the 
gate. She tears it open, leading her group of Yaatatto inside. The 
Gingaman and their tribe gather to fight. Women fire arrows, men 
attack with swords. Oogi fires energy bolts to keep the enemy away 
from the altar. Shierinda, though, has brought a machine which she 
activates. It begins to drain the life energy from the hidden land. 
In desperation, Oogi brings out a small mirror and flings it into the 
air. It lights the hidden land, and suddenly the land begins to turn 
gray, spreading out from the center where Oogi is. I don't know if 
the land is only dying, or being suspended. Oogi calls to the 
Gingaman to leave. Shierinda, shocked and astonished, gets the heck 
out of there herself. The Gingaman ride their horses as fast as they 
can ahead of the spreading grayness.

Oogi calls Bokku to him, giving it his pendant to take to Ryouma. 
Bokku goes. As the grayness touches the villains' machine, it 
shatters. The hidden forest, all gray, sinks beneath the surface of 
the lake, provoking a despairing cry from Gouki, who watches it 
happen over his shoulder as they ride away. "Oh, the woods!"

The city (I think it's Tokyo, it's usually Tokyo) is under attack, 
building shattering, pieces falling on frightened people. Yuuta and 
his father are stumbling through the wreckage. Mr Aoyama has been 
injured, and he tries to get Yuuta to go on without him. As they 
argue, the buildiing above them shatters, and both cry out as the 
pieces plummet towards them. At the last moment, they are snatched 
from under the falling cement by the Gingaman. It was Ryouma who 
snatched Yuuta, and the boy greets him happily.

Our heroes change into costume to fight the monster and defeat it. 
But it won't go down gracefully! It pulls out its bottle of growth 
elixer, drinks, and goes BIG!

And the robots arrive. The lion, the wolf, the dragon, the wildcat 
and the gorilla. They shake off the clods of dirt from their long 
sleep underground. The lion summons Ryouma to ride on its brow. 
Together they attack the scorpion monster, with a blast of roaring 
fire that destroys it. The lion settles back on its haunches, quite 

Robots and pilots arrive at the lake, to stand on opposite sides, 
peering down into the moving water. Saya picks out of the wavelets a 
grey flower that has been washed ashore. Gouki starts to weep and 
Hikaru scolds him, fighting to keep from weeping himself. The Bokku 
arrives, carrying Oogi's pendant for Ryouma. They all stare, 
wondering what it means. 

Episode 3 
On Daitanikusu, Budou and Sanbasshu get in a fight. Iriesu, annoyed, 
levitates them. This annoys Battobasu, who in turn attacks her. This 
fight is the scene that greets the eyes of Captain Zaihabu, Shierinda
 and Pukuratesu when they come in. Shierinda stops the fighting, 
telling the others not to waste their time, remember the need for an 
energy source! The Captain proceeds to give a moving speech. 
Nevertheless, Battobasu attacks Pukuratesu later. It is still 
Sanbasshu's turn for the attack, or so he argues to Pukuratesu. He 
summons another monster from his army, a leather-clad fanged 
creature, to start the next attack. 
Meanwhile, back at the lake. Our heroes are camping out. Saya pours 
water to douse their campfire. Then the robots arrive and listen as 
their pilots speak to them. At last, Bokku comes floating through the
 air, carrying Oogi's pendent to Ryouma. The pendent opens in his 
hands, and a small blue seed falls out. They all puzzle at it. Then 
Yuuta arrives with his father in tow. The father, awed and excited by 
the robots, has come to offer the Gingaman a place to live. It seems 
he owns a riding club where they can keep their horses and just plain 
stay in a clubhouse. Hearing the offer, Gouki looks troubled and 
turns away. Ryouma notices and worries about him. 

At the riding club, they are presented with quarters that will allow 
them to rest and have privacy. Gouki sits and stares moodily at a 
bouquet of flowers. Ryouma asks him what's wrong, but he says it's 
nothing. Hikaru holds a peculiar object in his hands and when it 
suddenly rings, tosses it away. Mr Aoyama makes a quick leap to 
rescue his cellphone and answer it, and the others tease Hikaru about
 being so jumpy. 

Harate suggests they plant the seed from Oogi's pendent. Barely a 
moment later it begins to grow and quickly becomes a giant redwood 
towering over the riding club. Mr Aoyama sees it through the window, 
and his capacity for wonder is increased. Gouki leans against the 
trunk, but he still feels losts. 

The monster has started its attack. It sucks the life force out of 
humans, leaving frozen bodies in its wake. Where it passes, snow 
falls and ice comes. The Gingaman arrive to fight it and succeed in 
driving it off. Gouki, however, brushes the snow off of some flowers 
and is horrified when they fall to pieces in his hands. He leaves the 
riding club, seems to be leaving the group. Ryouma suddenly remembers 
how Gouki was staring at the flower bouquet on the table, and thinks 
maybe he knows what to do. He joins Gouki at the lake, eliciting a 
small smile from his saddened friend. The other three arrive, too, 
trying to encourage him. Then, their bracelets start speaking, about 
the importance of protecting the world from the Daitanikusu. 

Cars are crashing in the sudden snow and ice. The monster is 
preparing to suck the life force from hapless people. The Gingaman 
arrive, cutting a swath through the Yaatatto. Gouki and Ryouma face 
the monster, their bracelets advising them on how best to attack. 
They hit the monster from both sides. Drawing on their special 
powers, they slice the monster up. Furious and injured, it draws out 
its bottle of growth elixer and drinks, growing big! 

They summon the robots. The lion comes out of a lava pit, the dragon 
comes down from the sky, the gorilla comes through the forests, and 
the wolf and wildcat come running across the valleys. The wolf bites 
and the wildcat claws at the monster, which knocks them away. The 
gorilla helps the wildcat, which was injured, while the dragon stands 
to protect them from being hit by the furious monster. Then the 
gorilla attacks the monster, which bites and blasts at it. The 
monster manages to push the gorilla away, but the lion knocks it 
down. The dragon summons up a tornado which tosses the monster into 
the air. The lion is able to fire blast and destroy it! 

The battle over, the bracelts guide their wearers to the giant tree.
 Frustrated, Hikaru pounds on the tree and with a shimer, falls 
inside. The others fall after him. The find themselves in stone 
chambers, where a leafy - perhaps cherry - tree stands at the center.
 Its branches part to reveal a great face in the trunk. This is the 
source of the voice that has been speaking to them through their 
bracelets. It summons them to it. They lay their hands against the 
bark and close their eyes. It shows them a vision of the woods, the 
life, the feel of the world. And there, at the center of it all, a 
patch of blue star-flowers, which Gouki thought he would never see 
again, now that their homeland was under the lake. He is comforted 
and reassured. 

More information will be added as I can get it. 


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