![]() Jewish Families Updated March, 6, 2002 |
Families of Frankfurt am Main
The following genealogies were gathered from other researchers and selected from Dr. Dietz's Stammbaum der Frankfurter Juden. Years ago, according to custom, only sons were recorded in the annals of the community, daughters were ignored. As a result, it was not easy to establish connections to ancestors on the female side of a family until at least the 19th century. The family trees of many presumed forebears are included in this site, although it cannot be determined exactly how all are related. The following information is far from complete. It has been compiled here to show how many Frankfurt Jewish Families are connected to each other with the hope of identifying family connections with other researchers on the internet. Without the facilities to check on the accuracy of all information or to resolve occasional contradictions, all dates must be accepted as reasonably factual, although some relationships mentioned by Dr. Dietz appear to be doubtful. We must always remember to take any genealogical information we receive with a grain of salt. We will try to correct errors and make adjustments based on feedback and information sent from other researchers. As mentioned in the brief history of the city, all Jews in Frankfurt am Main had to live on the "Judengasse", a narrow street sealed off from the rest of the town. Most people living there were identified by the name of the house, frequently quite colorful, in which they resided. This residential surname sometimes changed from one generation to the next, or even within a lifetime, as families moved into new quarters. In many instances permanent family names evolved from these housenames (ROTHSCHILD, BUCHSBAUM, RAPP SCHWARZSCHILD, SICHEL, etc.) Other German-Jewish family names deriving from a form of identification were based on the town of previous residence (BING, MAINZ, WERTHEIM, WORMS, etc.); professions (DOKTOR, GEIGER, SCHUSTER, GOLDSCHMIDT, etc.); first names (FRANK, HIRSCH, MEYER, WOLF, etc.); or nicknames (SCHNAPPER, SPANIER, KULP, etc.). Often the son-in-law took the name of his wife's family after moving from some other town into the home of his in-laws in Frankfurt. This collection of genealogical material deals predominantly with families living in Frankfurt am Main or coming there from other towns up until the 19th century. We welcome anyone who would like to link their information or family trees to these pages. We also welcome those who would like us to link to theirs. Contact us.
Jewish Families of Frankfurt, Copyright © 1998 by Roger Cibella and David Baron |