How had Nakago managed this feat? He was dead, was he not? Unless.....


Seth shifted back to human form. He could not feel Nyx's presence, though he knew she was alive. He didn't know how he knew, he just did. Where had the Prince taken her? If he trufged on he would find her...this place had a certain way of working itself to sustain one's thoughts and emotions into physical tangible reality.

Unfortunately he could not summon the Mobius Continuum. it would be easier and faster to find her that way. it was connected to Nyx's mind and her thoughts.


"Where are we?" Nyx demanded.

"We are between worlds. You have the power to restore me," replied the Bishounen. "I know that you are a necromancer."

"There is no way I'm digging up some corpse!" Nyx stammered.

A glowing ball manifested between them. A beautiful urn suspended in mid air.

"Take this. I am sure you know what to do." Nakago placed the urn in her hands.

*This is...this...all that was left of Nakago* Nyx looked up at him. She did not want to feel what he felt, but she could not prevent it. Her empathic powers were going on overload.

She noded her head gravely.
