The wording? Did he pronounce them correctly? Those damn words! Latin was never his specialty. But he'd seen the elders... he'd witnessed her... once.... There was no going back? Oh yes there was...but no. He thought of her.

*Shit, I have no bussiness doing this!*

He thought of her. Sad eyes. So strong. Sad eyes.

Where were those jars.....the scroll.....the....


Nyx ventured through the streets of Konan, a thousand tangents running through her brain from a single solitary inquiry: "Who am I?"

So much had transpired... so very much, too much even. Milton...he was gone...or was he? Seth? They had grown it was in her home....Home.

So far away.....

A figure watched in the distance, throguh the think veil of mist. A billow of grey smoke emitted from his lips and swirled into the atmosphere.

The Otaku didn't seem to mind the chill of the night air. She wore her trenchcoat undone, her hair tucked in the collar. She'd been sporting jeans and a black tank top. Briskly she walked through the cobble stone streets. The assimite in the shadows followed her. He knew well where she was headed. The girl made a sharp right and a another. The ouskirts.

Beside the babbling brooke the girl sat, her hand wading in the frigid waters. The black inviting...No! she shook herself from the idea. No, she mustn't give in. Besides, what good would it do? There was only momentary balckness...but she could not taste the sweet liquour of death. Oh, to be drunk on it! She ran her tongue across her chapping lips at the thought. To no more face this confussion.

*Damn it, I'm fighting for Nakago? Who was the man? The rat-bastard! He murdered mercilessly, with the complete absence of humanity on his face. Yarou!* She pounded her fist into the bank. Then seeing her mud caked hand, she grinned.


*God, I miss...everything. But this is my life now. Have to take everything...alll this shit. Laugh someday....*

The wind kicked up. She glanced up, not the least show of a shiver. *Let it come.* She liked it. Closing her eyes she began to slowly roll her neck about, feeling it crackling. *Um...feeling good.*

Reach touch.

The figure in the shadows slowly emerged into the clearing, the moon's rays falling on his leather jacket.

*Vic...* in his mind he called for her. But those lips would not dare utter, dare not disturb her. She looked so peaceful. *Baby, I'm right here.*

Something stirred in the wood behind her. Instinctively her hand flew to he hilt of the blackbraid katana, whipping it out with lightning quickness.

"Baka, show yourself!" The blade of the sword glistened in the palor of the moonlight.

He stepped fully into the clearing.

The Otaku gasped. The katana fell from her numbing hands. "Oh...!" Her knees felt weak and they collapsed under her.

He rushed to her, scooping her up in a warm embrace. "Vic. Hun, are you ok?"

She gazed long into his blue eyes...disbelieving. "How?"

"Seth," he smiled. "Don't be mad at him."

Nyx hugged him fiercely. "Oh, my god! I thought....Gomene ne," she wept, giving way to the uncontrolable tears flooding her eyes. "Gomen ne!"

Lovingly he stroke her hair. "NO. Baby it's alright. I'm here. I forgive you."

"Gomen ne...Milton. Gomen ne."