Kagetsuya and Messiah hovered in the air, watching in shock as the black-haired girl, Celeste had called her "Nyx," attacked Mercy. Nyx threw the blonde off the pier and shot her before leaving the area. The blonde fell into the water with a splash.

"Hmph, I always knew these Earthians were evil creatures," Kagetsuya huffed.

"Shut up!" Messiah threw behind him as his wheeled low and skimmed the surface of the water. "Just help me! We can't let an innocent girl like her die!" The dark-haired angel saw a stream of bubbles break the surface and dove into the water. A few moments later, he surfaced, cradling Mercy's body in his arms. He flew back to the pier, settling down to where Kagetsuya was already waiting.

The blond angel frowned as he examined Mercy's gunshot wound. Blood was slowly seeping through the stomach of her shirt. "She's hurt."

"I know that! Just heal her!" Messiah replied, still holding onto Mercy's body.

"Why should I? She's just an Earthian."

"I can't believe you sometimes. What would Chihaya say about this?"

Kagetsuya thought for a moment before frowning. "Fine... just hold her steady while I heal her." Messiah nodded and adjusted his grip on Mercy. Kagetsuya calmly took off Mercy's bloodied shirt and tossed it aside. He placed his hands around her wound. Leaning down, he kissed Mercy's stomach and poured his energy into healing her. At that moment, he connected with Mercy, feeling her pain lessen as her body was made whole again. She moaned and Messiah held onto her tighter, holding her hand in his own.

Just as Kagetsuya was about to finish, the scenery around them shifted and tilted. "What the...?" he heard Messiah exclaim. Kagetsuya blocked out all interference and concentrated on finishing the healing process. When Kagetsuya lifted his head from Mercy's stomach, he looked around in confusion. Instead of a pier in the dark, they were now in the middle of a field in the day.

"Where are we?"

Mercy opened her eyes and found herself staring into a pair of blue ones. She noticed three things in that moment. One, her stomach didn't hurt anymore. Two, she was being held in the arms of a impossibly handsome dark-haired man as an ethereal-looking blond man looked on. Three, she wasn't wearing a shirt. She reacted accordingly.

"HENTAI!!!" she screamed.



"HENTAI!!!" he screamed.


"Itai..." one feminine and one masculine voice groaned simultaneously. Remy slowly examined her reddened hand as a slightly confused, very *irritated* Sanosuke grudgingly nursed his equally red check.MO<"What the hell...?!" his eyes burned; his anger almost tangible. The dingy whiteness of his pants... clutched in her hand... "What the hell...?!" he repeated, "you accosted me, took my gi, eye me like a side of beef, and now you try to take my shirt... the shirt that *you* gave me... and slap me when I don't give it to you!!" His anger grew, "What the hell...?!" he asked for the third time.

Remy, more concerned about her stinging palm, was not affected by his violent tantrum. She waved the accusations aside without a thought and, secure in her intent, gave him a half baked reply. "I was giving the gi back to you... baka... they don't fit. And the idea of me-" she turned to him and flashed him her most innocent of smiles, simultaneously batting her eyelashes, "-being hentai, is just... just... mou! Chigai chigai chigai!! Honto ni chigai!! Isn't that right... Aoshi-sama? Ne ne ne?"

Aoshi grunted in answer.

"See, he agrees!" Remy stated, assessing his grunt in her favor.

"Orororororororoo...." replied an airborne Kenshin, who immediately flipped in mid-air, rebounded and returned to the fray. With his sword held high, he yelled, "Hiten Mitsurugeru Ryu! Do Ryu Sen!"

"Mite!" Remy threw back at Sano-sama, "Ken-sama agrees with me too!"

"I believe you've been outclassed," Mikagami added. "Just shut up and let her have her way."

Remy grinned broadly and whooshed towards Mikagami-sama, knocking down his person in a heady rush.

"See," Sanosuke countered, "hentai... hentai hentai hentai!"

"But Sano-sama," Celly interjected, hauling a disappointed Remy off a flustered Mikagami-sama, "Look at Remy: a poor little empath who can't even protect herself... shame on you!"

"D- demo..."

"How dare you question her actions. Shouldn't you be protecting her. Don't you value your manhood?!" Celly finished her tirade.

"Manhood?? He's got that?" Aoshi-sama asked sarcastically.

"Temee!" Sano-sama snarled.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Remy chanted, "now you got Sano-sama mad... kill kill kill..."

Celly dropped her hold on Remy and cautiously took a few steps back. "Ano... Remy-chan? You're saying that out loud..."

Remy sweatdropped and giggled nervously. "Aa... honto ni? Gomen..."

Remy's words went unnoticed as Sano-sama lunged at Aoshi-sama with a feral scream.

"Matte!" Remy screamed, lunging between the two Bishounen. "Anything but the face!!!"

Mikagami-sama jolted up in shock as he saw the small black-haired girl throw herself between the two deadly fighters. "Baka! Don't just jump in like that!" He ran forward, trying to grab Remy and pull her out of harm's way, while trying to avoid the two fighting men.

Celly, on the other hand, quickly assessed that her friend could easily be hurt and jumped in as well. "Baka shoujo! Baka Bishounen! You'll hurt her!"

"Celeste!" Mamoru yelled, but missed his chance to stop her fatal plunge.

Aoshi-sama pulled back a punch that would have hit Remy and grabbed her instead, giving out a gruff grunt of annoyance. Sano-sama while trying to shove Celly out of the way, got his hand caught on her fuku and fell down, dragging her down on top of him. Mikagami-sama, who was trying to grab Remy as well, managed to get his arms around her waist before tripping on the sprawled forms of Celly and Sanosuke.

In that instant, the world shifted and twisted around the mixed up jumble of people. The darkened park faded away to a grassy field. As the three Bishounen and two Otaku fell to the ground in a tangled heap, a cry rang across the field.

"Groovy! A group orgy!!!"
