*So this is Woodstock*

The black-haired, trenchcoated figure wove through the crowd of spectators. The aura of peace, love and halucinagenic drugs filled the air. Victoria was still on her guard. Her eyes scanned the crowd. Public shows of affection [in every degree], a man wearing nothing but a peace necklace was running around hugging random people. Despite the deary skies and mud cacked ground, everyone seemed to be in high spirits enjoying the music and each other.

As she turned to make her way back towards the camp grounds, she spotted a familliar face.

*Carson??* The Gangrel was decked in a suede vest and faded hip-hugging jeans and sandals. On his head was a navy blue bandana and purple sunglasses. Victoria surpressed a fit og giggles arising from the sight. Carson, a hippee?? It would be another twenty years until their first meeting, but she could not resist. She made her way to him.

The Gangrel was amidst a crowd of people sitting around in a circle infront of a make-shift tent.

"Peace." Victoria smiled down at the group.

It didn't take long for them all to get aquainted. After introductions, one of the women spoke up.

"Man, your dreds need serious repair," she said shaking her head at Vic's attire.

"Negative vibes..." another chimed in as he took a puff and passed it to his neighbor.

Carson took her under his arm. "We can fix that." He then addressed one of the women. "Sunshine, you guys look about the same size."

"Um, I'm not so sure about that." Vic smiled politely. Somehow she couldn't see herself as a hippee.

"That outfit is sending negative energy, can't have that. Besides, you stick out like a sore thumb," Carson whispered.

He had a point. She scanned the smiling faces of the clan. "Ok, what can it hurt?"

And in no time....

"Solid, man." Carson smiled.

Vic furrowed her brow at the reflection in the mirror. She hardly recognized herself in cut denim hip-hugging shorts, sleeveless white shirt and sandals. The Sunshine whispered something to Clover and the other woman went back into the tent and came out with a hand full of beads which she slipped around the Otaku's neck.

"One more thing and it's perfect," Carson handed her his sunglasses.

"Far out, man...."

"Thanks, Carson." Victhrew her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

Something Carson told her in their present time came back to her.

"You're a clan...? Gangrel."

The others were taken aback.

"How'd you know..." Carson's voice trailed off as he feared them being found out.

"It's a long story. But, don't worry, everything's cool. I might be needing your help soon."

"Cool, man."

"Great." Vic bit down on her lower lip and grinned. Re-inforcements. She sat down with the clan and took a puff. Maybe there was something to this peace and love thing.
