It was the screaming and cursing that had caught his attention. This was supposed to be three days of peace and love. He shook his head as he made his way through the crowd. "Some poor kid's trippin' something awful," he muttered to himself, running a hand through his tangled white hair. "Maybe they got into that brown acid..."

As he pushed his way through the crowd to a rather vacant area at the outskirts of the mass of humanity, he stopped in surprise. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He tried to recall if he had eaten or drank anything funny before he had started his watch. No... he definitely wasn't tripping. This was really happening! He stared as three girls screamed in anguish as five men glowed blue and disappeared. The blonde girl who was holding the blond man, burst into tears as he disappeared and covered her face in her hands, crying unashamedly. The little Asian girl who had been holding onto three tall men, simply collapsed in shock, too numb to do anything.

But his eyes were captured by the girl with shoulder-length black hair. As the dark-haired man in her arms disappeared, she simply stood there, staring at her hands as tears trickled down her cheeks. She was dressed strangely, even for Woodstock. It was a black and silver sort of short dress that reminded him of those sailor outfits, or maybe a school uniform. Her piercing blue eyes simply remained staring at her gloved hands, unblinking. Then, as if it was fate, she looked up... locking her gaze with his own.

His mind cleared in that instant and memories rushed through his head. Memories of this girl, of those blue eyes. Memories from a long time ago, and a special person he had spent centuries looking for.

"C--Ce-ko!" he exclaimed.
