Nyx whirled 'round as the atmosphere surrounding her changed.

Celly had ass-whuping on her mind...her ass. She grinned to herself. Camelot or not, the Game had started. It didn't matter what time or place they were in. She could hold her own.

"Celly!" Nyx cried out.

The fuku clad girl turned to face her opponent. Celly looked a bit frazzled now seeing that her counterpart was not alongside her. Susanne had not transported both Cellys. *Good girl* Nyx thought.

"You want a piece of me? Why don't we even out the score, chica." Slowly, Nyx drew two blades from HammerSpace, one in each hand.

"You will pay!" Celly screamed. "You don't stand a chance against me, Nyx." The fukuclad girl readied her BBoD.

The trenchcoat figure shut her eyes and slowly faded form sight. "Oh is that what you think, chica," her disembofied voice drifted around Celly, surrounding her. "You know nothing about me and yet you make judgements. Well, let me tell you something, earth girl... you've messed with the wrong powers." Nyx had disappeared completely. Celly could sense her presence as an Otaku no longer.

"Celly!" Mercy and Remy came rushing to their leader.

"Where the hell are we?" Remy asked.
