It is night.

Nyx is walking towards her '64 Mustang which is parked in front of the Coe Library. Her shoulder length, raven black hair has been newly streaked with crimson highlights and is tied back in a ponytail. Her black trench coat is unbuttoned all the way, flying about her in the wind. She feels for her car keys, but quickly realizes that she had left them on the desk.

"Oh, shit!"

Nyx dashes into the library and down to the stacks. All is quiet. 10 minutes till closing time. Nyx spots her keys. They are exactly where she had left them. As she walks towards the row of study tables, she becomes suddenly aware of the bluish light seeping through the bottom of the EMPLOYEES ONLY door. Curiosity envelops her and she looses sight of her keys and moves towards the door. To her suprise, it is unlocked. Without a second thought, she enters.

The room is filled with an errie blue light which seems to be coming from a book which had fallen off of the shelf. She gets down on her knees and picks up the text, opens it, then ...

--------------BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT-----------------------------------


Nyx warily opens her eyes. It takes a moment for her vision to clear. She quickly realizes that she is no longer in the restricted room of the library, or in the library at all, but in a strange room, on a strange bed.

"What in the world --" Nyx bolts from the bed and jumps to the floor. "Camelot?" She was in a stately chamber, fit for royalty.

"Don't fear." A velvety male voice boomed from the shadows. The silhouette of a tall, gallant man slowly emerged into the light.

Nyx could not help but let her jaw drop, her mouth gaping open at the sight of the stranger. His blond hair fell loosely over his shoulders. He had on a white, long-sleeved, V-necked shirt, black leather pants and boots which came up to his knees. His sparkling blue eyes seemed to glow as gazed upon her.

"I am Nakago."