I'll leave her alone, Roger thought. I just want to know where she is. He followed the faint sound of footsteps and the link that led him in the right direction. Yes, she had gone outside to the gardens. Through the window, he could just see her going down to the ponds. He slipped outside and crept along after her, and saw that she was sitting down on one of the stones jutting out of the water. She ought to be fine there for awhile...

There... what was that? Roger turned away from Susanne, so he didn't see that she, also, had turned, and had caught a glimpse of him just before he ran around to the gate house.

Roger burst into the room at the same time that Anaera came in from the kitchen. They were greeted with the sight of Orion slouched on the sofa while Mercy stood angrily in front of him.

"Orion?" Anaera said, sounding a little shocked.

"Bloody hell, where were you?" Roger shouted. Mercy stepped back exhaustedly and let Roger have him for a moment. "Have you got any idea what she went through? You're supposed to protect her, goddammit!"

Orion mumbled something.

"What was that?"

He said nothing.

Roger leaned a little closer, then backed away again. "Not only did you leave her alone, you went out and got drunk. You want to know what the Council is going to do to your sorry ass when they hear about this?"

"They don't have to hear about this."

"It's not my call. I won't even tell them. But they know. They know what we do."

Orion mumbled again.

"I don't CARE what your INTENTIONS were! I see what happened! She was nearly killed! Do you know what that would have meant for you if she had been?"

Orion went pale, but said nothing.

"Yes, you know. All too well. Now, I swear to god, if you dare pull anything remotely similar to this again, I'll take care of you myself."

More mumbling.

"Yes, she's fine. Thanks to Anaera. And no thanks to you. Don't bother trying to remember that. Even if you had the mental capacity, I'll be reminding you enough anyway." With that, Roger turned on his heel and walked back out.