Dionysus sat on a chair, quietly watching over the unconscious girl in the bed. His hand held Ce-ko's gently. Though her wrists had been bandaged, he was still hesitant to getting anywhere near her hands for fear of disturbing her wounds and bleeding again. He contemplated her face, gentled by sleep... soft and vulnerable...

Kami-sama, doshite? Doshite, Ce-ko? Why would you try to take your life like that? Dionysus asked himself. He stroked his hand across her face, stopping at the cut above her brow and the black eye. He was startled. He hadn't seen these wounds when he had been concerned with her wrists. Anger and confusion filled him.

"Who did this to you, Ce-ko? Dare? You're too good to let anyone close enough to give you a shiner like that. What happened, Ce-ko? Who did this to you? Why did you do this to yourself? What the hell is going on?!?" Dionysus berated himself. Who was he asking questions from? Ce-ko, who wasn't capable of answering at the moment, or himself?

"Kami-sama, Ce-ko... I thought you were better now. You were just like yourself when we were together. Was it only a day ago? Is this what will always happen if I leave you?"

Then Dionysus remembered something. Nyx had told him of what had happened shortly before Ce-ko had tried to kill herself. Remy had been bandaging Ce-ko's wrists while Nyx quietly stated that they had caught Tasuki no Otaku trying to spy on them. Ce-ko had apparently beaten the girl within an inch of her life, then dropped her on the other side's doorstep. Then, for some reason, Nyx had slapped a hand over her mouth and ran out of the room. Remy had followed shortly after, but Dionysus hardly noticed. He was too engrossed in Ce-ko's well-being.

"Was that what set you off, Ce-ko?" Dionysus asked. He frowned again as he contemplated her pallid figure. "Was it Tasuki no Otaku who led you to this?" Dionysus sighed as he dropped a gentle kiss on his Ce-ko's forehead. He could feel the anger boiling in him though, as a warrior, he knew he should not be slave to his emotions. Especially not his emotions where Ce-ko was concerned.

"To hell with it," he growled. "Someone or something did this to Ce-ko, and Tasuki no Otaku looks like the best bet." Dionysus stood up and started to leave the room. He gave one last look at Ce-ko and dropped his eyes. "I wasn't there for you, Ce-ko, and I should have been. I've trained you too well."

Dionysus set his jaw and strode out of Castle Anthrax. "But something set you off, Ce-ko. And I'll be damned before I let you go unavenged."
