Susanne watched Dionysus walk out the door. So... Celly... oh, god. And, what the hell...She ran after him.

"Dionysus!" She could hear him going down the stairs. "Dionysus, matte!" She rounded the corner and nearly ran into him.

"What do you want?" He sounded weary, as if he didn't really want to talk to her.

"I-- I'm sorry. I just... I felt it more strongly than them. And... god, I... well, I'm sorry. I guess that was what I wanted to say." He raised an eyebrow. "I know, it sounds weird, cos, like, I hate her, but... you don't. And... and... and what the hell was that thing with Roger there?"

"Wow, you just tried to change the subject, didn't you? Well, you haven't changed the subject. Not really. I've been around awhile. I... know things. And... Roger is going to have to tell you himself. It would be unfair for me to say more."

Susanne backed slowly away. He... what... was... why... how... she turned around and ran.

The house was so big... she just kept running and running. Finally, she stopped. She knew what Dionysus meant. But he was wrong. Had to be. Roger was the one who had turned up his nose at Dionysus for that reason. No, Dionysus must be wrong.

But... it fit. When she thought about it, this brought a whole new dimension to a lot... no, stop! She was an Otaku, and Roger her Guardian. Period.

Now... where was she?