Roger leaned back in his chair and let out a low whistle. "You're crazy, you know that," he said.

Susanne nodded. "I know. But it's the same here. We're sitting ducks. At least, I am. And... I dunno, it somehow feels like I have the strongest connection. Everyone's reactions... somehow, as easy as it is for them to find everyone else, I'm the easiest to find." She looked out the window. Anaera had woken up and seemed to be joining Meredith and Mercy in some storytelling for Kristsi's sake. "Meredith and Kristsi should have time, I think. Time to train, time to get used to the idea. It started out vicious, but now... it's ten times worse. And Meredith is my best friend. I worry for her."

"And not for yourself?"

"Not particularly." She turned to him and grinned. "That's what you're here for, remember?"

She was happy to see a grin back. It quickly disappeared, though, to be replaced by a determined expression. "Right, then. We're off."

Susanne nodded. "I just want to grab a couple things I left in my room and say bye to George." They went to her room, packed up her computer and a couple other things she had taken out, went down to the kitchen and put some Dr. Pepper and food into Susanne's HammerSpace, and finally found George.

He had a mischevious glint in his eyes when Susanne walked up to him. "Don't say it, I already know what you're thinking. You've turned into a dirty old man."

"Well, considering that I started out as a rather dirty young man..."

"Not to change the subject, but I'd like to change the subject."

"We're leaving," Roger said, standing behind Susanne with a hand on her shoulder.

"What? You just got here."

Susanne nodded. "I know, that's why we have to go. Dionysus just walked right in here. We're going to go to the Mori. Find Celly and try to talk to her. Avoiding Nyx at all costs. We're not telling the others that we're leaving, but when they find out, they'll probably try to follow us. Would you mind keeping Meredith and Kristsi here? Dionysus saw them, but he may not have noticed that they were Otaku."

"He WAS rather preoccupied, wasn't he?" Roger interjected.

"Anyway, I'd like to keep them safe. I mean, Mercy has already been beaten within an inch of her life, and Anaera... well, I'll just say that Nyx is probably out for Anaera's throat. Literally."

"So it may not be to my benifit to keep them here."

"That about sums it up. On the other hand, I know that they can protect themselves... and if Celly and Nyx find out that we're headed to the Mori, then I imagine that they'll wait for us there. So you should be safe for a while, at least."

George nodded. "We'll be here for a few days. Though we may go off on vacation when Dhani gets here. But if we do, you know how to get into the gate house."

"Of course," she said, turning to leave. "Ja ne!"