Kristsi stretched out on the ledge of the fountain, grateful for a few minutes of relaxation after the excitement of the past couple of hours. The new Otaku was trying to listen to Mercy's story, which was getting to be fairly difficult since Meredith was in the middle of berating Zeke for making her fall out of the tree, her blonde head shaking angrily as she jabbed him in the chest with her finger.

"...could've broken my neck!!! What would you have done then, huh Mr. Hotshot?"

"Meredith, calm down!" Zeke said, pushing her hand away from his chest. "I caught you, didn't I?"

Meredith humphed. "Yeah, good thing you did. Why am I arguing with you anyway? You're not worth my time!" She stalked over toward Kristsi and plopped down on the fountain edge next to her. "You know Kristsi, you shouldn't be so anxious to find your Guardian. They're more of a pain than they're worth."

"I'm willing to put up with the inconviences if his physique makes up for it..." Kristsi smiled, her big brown eyes shining mischeviously. Her eyes became more serious. "How am I supposed to know him when I find him anyhow?" she asked Meredith as she dangled her fingers in the water.

"Don't worry about that... he'll find you when he's supposed to. But don't say I didn't warn you. I was kinda excited to get my Guardian, and I ended up with him!" she said, thrusting her finger in Zeke's direction. Zeke looked up from where he was laying on the grass and stuck his tongue out at her. "See what I mean? I get no respect!" She deliberately turned her back on her guardian and took on a more somber tone. "But on to more important issues--we need to find some way to start training. I haven't had that much training yet either. Most of it is supposed to come naturally, but a little practice never hurt anyone. Is there anything you know how to use yet?" Meredith asked.

"Oh, I have a few things up my sleeves," Kristsi said slyly. She stood up slowly and looked around her. Her eyes rested on Zeke, who had grown bored of the two Otaku and was snoozing on the grass, a gentle snore coming from deep within his chest. She gracefully flicked her wrist and a small jewel-encrusted dagger suddenly appeared from out of nowhere. Holding the blade in her fingers, she flung it at the unsuspecting Zeke. It hissed through the air and burrowed into the grass right next to his ear, causing him to jump, yelp, and bat at his ear in startled confusion. Meredith's eyes were wide in amazement. She looked at the slender Otaku as a slow smile spread across her face.

"Nice! Where'd you learn to do that?" the blonde asked as Zeke glared at the two of them. "Oh, grow up Zeke! She needs someone to practice on until she gets a guardian of her own! Try to be a little accomodating!" She turned back to Kristsi, who had retrieved her dagger and made it dissapear again somewhere in her clothing.

"A nerdy little middle-schooler has a lot of time on her hands. I decided to put it to some good use and learn a skill that would be helpful for intimidating those bull-headed pre-pubescent boys who liked to push me around. Needless to say they learned fast." A satisfied grin crossed her pretty face as she pushed a stray strand of her dark hair away from her eyes, an action which Meredith noticed was one of Kristsi's unconscious habits. "But I'm getting tired of all this Otaku stuff. Can we start training later? I need to do something normal after all the weird stuff I had to soak in today."

"I guess it is a little much to digest," Meredith replied. "Why don't we go shopping a little later on? I've been dying to go ever since I got here."

"That sounds normal enough to me," Kristsi said as she and Meredith walked arm-in-arm back towards the house. "It's been a while since I've been able to check out the hotties in London. I don't want to get out of practice!"