Many have asked me, "Just what IS hey cow anyways?" It's time to reveal the mystery of the best game in Iowa! Full of fun and many laughs!


Hey Cow is quite simple and yet quite complex at the same time. These are some basic rules but feel free to expand on the game and add your own to make it fit your needs.

Get in a car with a group of friends and go driving in some country roads. (Preferably a car with automatic windows and a road with nearby cows.) Whenever you see cows you roll down the window as fast as you can and yell as loud as you can: "HEY COW!" (you may yell as many times as you want) You get one point for each cow that looks up at you, but points deducted for yelling at horses, dead cows, or fake cows. (Yes, while it is somewhat unbelievable there have been some people known to put plastic cows in their yards...and it's quite embarrasing to yell at plastic cows and wait for them to look up.) Play for a set amount of time, or until you run out of gas. But above all, have fun!

So buckle that safety belt, get in that car...and HEY COW!!!!!

So let's say that you finally got around to playing this great game...what's next? Before you hop into that car and go out for another round, tell me what you thought about it! I will post reactions to this page for others to enjoy, so please share your feelings! E-mail me at: heycowgal@hotmail.com

Reactions to HEY COW

"...I can just envision it...a bunch of teens flying down a country road...an innocent bystander, probably the spotted variety...teen leans way out of window, hair catching the wind, lips flapping in the wind as the mouth opens wide, and like a mean comedian mocking some member of the crowd, the oral vortex excalims profainly..."HEY COW"...innocent bystander raises its head in virgin curiousity...and is counted amongst the humerous victims of this profane battle. How sad. *laugh* Yup. I'll definitly have to try it..." --Matt Daniels

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Erika Nelson's homepage!
You probably got to this outstanding page from here...so now go back to where hey cow originated and get to know this great Iowan gal!

Check out...

Learn even more about this great game...Basic play rules, Exceptions and Unusual Circumstances, and Frequently Asked Questions

Erika Nelson

1033 Sandusky Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States

Look how many people wanted to learn about HEY COW since this page was made, Jan 15, 1997: Wow!!!!! *gasp* Don't go into shock now people!