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Online Christian Music Magazine

This magazine is designed to be a monthly online magazine, featuring articles about Christian Music Artists, Christian Music News, and just Christian Life in general. The first issue of this magazine is scheduled to go out on February 28, 1998. Of course, you will be able to access each issue of this magazine from this page. However, there is a MUCH easier way! This magazine will also be delivered in a very special newsletter format. For those who are subscribed to the newsletter, this magazine will be e-mailed directly to you when it is issued each month. The e-mail will look exactly like a web page, if you have HTML-enabled e-mail (sorry, AOL users, and others). In the e-mail, you will receive the table of contents of the magazine. You will then be able to click on any of the articles to go directly to that article. If you would like to subscribe to this magazine, simply click here. It's FREE and we'd love to have you as a subscriber. To see an example of the page that will come to your e-mail, just continue to scroll down.

Online Christian Music Magazine

Featured Artist


CD/Video/Concert Reviews

Living the Christian Life


Tips for Web Masters

Great Websites that You Should See


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