About This Page......

This page is in no way affiliated with the University
of Minnesota nor its football program. This page is in
no way an attempt to profit from the aforementioned
program, nor is it an exercise in self-promotion.

Nothing at this site, from photos to linked pages
to historical data, is the work of this site's author.
I have borrowed freely from books and publications that 
I have bought with my own dough. If anything, I'm
promoting the sources from which I borrowed my data.

This page exists solely in the service of Minnesota
Golden Gopher football fans who wish to learn more 
about the history of their favorite team- information
that would often be hard to come by.

I will continue to post related links as I become
aware of them in an effort to spread goodwill among
Gopher fans everywhere.

If any of this is a problem for anyone, please contact
me at metrolax@yahoo.com. I do not wish to cause any
problems, and will be most cooperative if my efforts 
offend or threaten anyone.

Photo Credits......

Without going into much detail, none of the photos
seen at this site are of my own doing. They are almost
all from books and magazines that I purchased with my
own dough. Many of these books are actually promoted
on my bibliography page.

The origin of most of these pictures is the University
of Minnesota Athletic Department. The Alumni Association
also is responsible for producing some of the photos seen
at this site, while Sports Illustrated publications
are responsible for at least two (Warmath & Carter, and
Hagberg's run against Iowa).

Again, I have posted them only to share with others some
insight into the history of Gopher football. In no way
am I attempting to profit from these pictures. They are
posted to trigger memories of other fans so that they
may share those memories with others as well.

Again, if the posting of any of these pictures causes
anyone any problems, contact me at metrolax@yahoo.com.
I'm easy about all this and will gladly take down any
picture that applies.