Last Up Dated-6-05-2003

Listing of Surnames found in tree below:


CLARK Line:Hugh,John,John,Isaac,Capt.John,John Jr.,Oliver,James,Edward,Theodore,Dorothy
BUXTON Line:Anthonie Taylor,John Taylor,Anthony,Joseph,Samuel,Benjamin,Capt.James,David,Lewis,Clara
PRATT Line:Harvey,Sarah
BRIGHAM Line: John, Thomas, Samuel, Charles, William, Susanna ( Walker) ,
SOUTHWICK Line: Lawrence (Southwicke),Daniel,Ester
GOULDING Line: Col. John,Capt. Ephraim,Lucy

Click on any highlighted surnames to go to separate pages on these family members.

  (3) Dorothy Gertrude Clark ( 1908-1994)-Grafton>Worcester>Detroit MI>Falls Church VA>Grafton MA>Wilbraham MA>Bowie MD

* One of the origional 100 families that founded Watertown MA.
** Author of Quaker document that Witch Trials should stop.
Purple color highlight indicates immigrant to America.
"RW" indicates fought in Revoultionary War against England.
"F&IW" indicates fought in French & Indian War.
"CW" indicates fought in US Civil War.