
Left to her own devices, Nature maintains a perfect balance.

Chetan - Please Do Not Copy

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O'Siyo (Welcome!)

Wow! I can hardly believe it's been TEN YEARS
since I first started this site.
It started out simple, in the fact
that I wanted to share my love of Wolf!

What a journey it has been. Not only have I met some tremendously wonderful people, I've also met some of the most gorgeous, wonderful Wolves!

There will be lots of pictures posted soon, so keep coming back!

I'm Susan a/k/a GraWolfe. Our adopted wolf Chetan is above. For more info, go to his page (linked below) or click the Wolf Park Link below.

Orca (aka Pugsly) suffered an injury to his back on November 28, 1997. Click here for Orca updates from Wolf Park! For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please contact Wolf Park

Wolf Park Logo

There's a lot of information in these pages, and I hope it's not overwhelming for you... My Wolf Facts and Information Page.

Wolf Awareness Week
October 19 - 25, 2008
Click here or here to see what you can do to help. Defenders has a great new program where you donate items that directly protect the wolves. Please check it out! Thank you.

I do not support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and I'm not alone. Big Oil Interests are still lobbying to open the last 5% of the North Slope to drilling. ANWR is safe for the time being, but I'm afraid that as long as GW sits in the White House, it will always be threatened. The Big Oil wants us to believe that there's enough oil to sustain us for 30 years. LIES! They want to destroy "America's Serengeti" in an ill-fated attempt to find oil. They must be stopped and they need to stay out of OUR PARK!

Please click the banner above or below to see how you can help.

Thanks to a heavy-handed campaign and Sarah Palin, Alaska has resumed Aerial Gunning of Wolves! Click here to help!

Please be sure to check out the "More Stuff" Pages. There are several causes close to my heart and they start here. Thanks.

We found the following poem while surfing the net, and wanted to share it with you....

The eyes in the night are filled
with the gentle light of understanding.
With a dignity and courage that has
spanned the world and the ages
They travel through their daily lives
caring for the young and each other,
Doing harm to no one, asking only
to be left with some part of their world
intact for the next generation of young ones
and so the old may end their time here in peace
without fear of the hunters' guns.

If anyone knows the author, please let me know. I would like to give proper credit.

Speaking of hunters' guns.... please visit the Stupid Slaughter page. It would seem that the Fox Lake Outfitters page is gone. (I will be posting new information soon!) To date I have not found any subsequent pages. But read anyway..... Also, please follow the link to the John Doe page for my response to a guestbook entry I received 4/24/98. To date, Master Doe has never replied.

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I earned this Award!

I really enjoy reading your entries and appreciate your taking the time to sign my GuestBook.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Buttons by Lady Kali

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These pages last updated October 14, 2008

These pages change often, so please visit again!

Original material Ć GraWolfe 1998 - 2008
Other Materials Copyrighted by Respective Authors and Artists.
Do Not Copy Without Permission.