Bruce    and    Jeannes'    Family

A lot has happened this past year. I don't have as much time for MIRC chatting anymore. I'm now the adoptive mother to two children ages seven and 12. I know adoption isn't for everyone but it has be a great solution to us and has made our life more complete.

I'm an avid MIRC chatter and ICQ chatter. I also do lots of emailing and keep myself busy with work. I'm also a workoholic....but you know sometimes you need a break from the comradery of the work environment.

Our adoptive children now collect and add to our beanie baby collection. We just currently added 2 princess bears to our very large collection. We're always on the seek and find for great beanie babie finds :)

Great Places to go to!

jeannes' 1st home page
tells about me!
Beanie Babies
information on beanie babies
Great place to meet ppl and have fun
multi internet relay chat
MIRC information stuff
heheheheh this is a joke folks
Halloween Thing
Thanksgiving Thingy

jeanne thurow
rockford, IL 61107
United States

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