Well, this is a new site. Actually I moved it from an other site because the guy who owns the server there, didn't let me keep the web space ..While here, have a peek on my Skoda Felizia at the bottom of this site. I'm proud to own her..and drive her of course..Her? you may ask? Yes she is a girl's car so therefor she is a girl.

Watch my summer view
A beautiful painting..
A fisherman...
My Cow Sites..Recommending a visit here
Enter my Cool Cow's Web Ring..
My Doll Page
Read about the Lynx. Only available in SwedishNy Sida
You will find much here
Many Jokes here.
What to do with dead cats??...
Me and My Caterpillar
My Tribute to Bruce Springsteen
Visit my Guardiannew

The Logo on the top of this site is created by Web Winter Dead specially for me.

I drive a Skoda Felizia. Have a look..

Please sign my Guest Book
Thank you so much!

<bgsound src="Fernando.mid" loop=infinite>

E-mail image below, comes from..Towe

Please send me an e-mail and tell me what you think of my Home Page.. lil-girl

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Last revised on Mars 26, 1998.
Web mistress is Mimicry. This home page was created on January 1998. Protected by Swedish and International © laws.Don't use anything here without my written permission