Blind Melon

is the best, coolest, awesomest, greatest, badassest band on this earth!

Blind Melon is my favorite band. They are the bast. Their performance at Woodstock 94 was the best ever. There the group sang the song Soup and that is also my favorite song. It is all too bad that the lead singer Shannon Hoon died because that means that there is no more music to come, but Blind Melon will always live on.

God's Presence

If my path be smooth or rugged
If with thorns or roses strewn
Where I go the Father seeit
And He will leave me not alone
If I take the wings of wourning
Far within the silent sea
Even there his hand will lead me
Even there my God will be
Though the gloom of night be round me
Though I cannot see my way
Yet the Lord will see and guide me
Because unto Him the night is day
If my thoughts are good or evil
Set me think to them not
There is one above all seeing
And he beholdeth every thought
And ever more my eyes beholds me
And all my ways to Him are known
And his loving arms enfolds me
He will leave me not alone

--------Blanche 1884

This is the tattoo written on Shannon's forearm. You can see it on the cover of 'Nico'.

Unfortunately, FOR YOU, Shannon Hoon died on Saturday October 21 of an apparent drug overdose. He was 28. To read more about the death of Shannon Hoon read The Rolling Stone Article written right after her died. It is highly informative.

After a while it starts to piss me off when people suddenly become atracted to a band because the singer dies. I guess one thinks that this fascination with morbidity is cool and will give you that cool hippie, alternative, Gen X (whatever) apearance, but as far as I am concerned it is retarded. It sucks that Shannon died because now he can't write anymore music or come out with anymore cds or more importantly be there for his daughter, Nico. Dying is NOT COOL, no matter how you go out! I am a firm believer in, "It is better to burn out than fade away*" but not when there are reasons to stay.

This is Shannon, (In case you don't know what he looks like.

Album Title
Song Title

Go here to buy Blind Melon CD's for an excellent price.

For other links to Blind Melon sites try:
Shannon Hoon Tribute
Biography of the Band
Blind Frog


Last Update: 5-21-97

If you want to contact me email me at my address.

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*Neil Young said this!