Physical Geography 1

City College of San Francisco
Spring Quarter 2003

Instructor: Alan Forsberg.

Office hours: by appointment.


Geography is both a natural science and a social science that focuses on where things are and why. Physical Geography integrates several branches of the natural sciences to provide students with an understanding of natural environment in which we live and the systems and processes that shape it. This course also examines the impact of the physical environment upon people and the impact of people upon their physical environment.

This course is supplemented by the World Wide Web and other computerized resources. The class webpage can be accessed by typing the following address into an internet browser:


Readings schedule:

grade sheet


At the conclusion of the course you should be able to:


Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation by McNight and Hess - seventh edition 2002

Reading assignments will be made from this textbook, and occasional handouts.


The topics of this course are divided into weeks, which may cover one or two chapters. Specific topics areas are supplemented with online resources (posted on the page of assigned readings). Classes will be in the lecture/discussion format with full use of graphic illustration.


You should complete the assigned reading by the due date. Prepare for the class by taking notes and asking questions on topics that you do not understand.


I give both open book and pop-quizzes to encourage you to keep up with your reading and to enable you to measure your progress. Questions may include multiple-choice, true-false, open-ended questions, and matching. Some questions will involve the analysis of maps, diagrams, or statistics. There will be no make-up quizzes, but I drop the lowest quiz score. If you cannot make it to class for a quiz, you must provide an official written excuse and write a make-up essay within one week of your return. Exams are closed book, and include fill in the blank, diagrams, short answer and essay questions. I will give you a handout before each test that will give you a clear idea of the most important material to review and I will suggest essay topics in advance so that you can do some preparatory research.


Class participation means showing up to class on time, attending regularly, answering questions in class, asking appropriate questions, contributing to classroom discussion and group activities. You may be dropped if you are absent more than six class hours. However, it is your responsibility if you decide to drop the class. Do not count on me to drop you before the last date for a "W".


 Examinations (2 @ 300 points each)  600 points
 In-class Quizzes (10 @ 30 points)  300 points
 Participation  100 points
 TOTAL POINTS  1000 points


The total number of points that you accumulate during the semester will determine your final course grade. Keep track of in on your grade sheet for 30 points of extra credit - due at the final exam. Final grades are based on the following percentages of total points:

 A = 930-1000 pts.  B = 820-929 pts.   C = 700-819 pts.  D = at least 600 pts.


Readings schedule