page inst


always start the page with the HTML tag and the last thing on the page is to close it with the </HTML> tag

between the HEAD tags is where the title goes ...this is the one that shows up when some one saves it on their favorites or bookmark put the name you want between the tags
<TITLE>name here </TITLE>
where I have HERE .... put the body background you like on the page

below I have 2 different codes for music to go on your page.. on some
of the older browsers you have to have a different code for IE and the
netscrape... so I put both on a page...on both where I put....put music
midi here ...put the code for the midi or wav there
<CENTER> <EMBED SRC="put music midi or wav here" HIDDEN="True" Loop="TRUE">
<BGSOUND SRC="put music midi or wave here" LOOP =INFINITE> </CENTER>

next is the color of the text and links and ones that you have visited
<body text="black" link="#00FF00" vlink="#FF00CC" alink="#99CCFF">

here is where you put the font you want....also put the color and size always close the ones you open
<CENTER><font face="comic sans ms" color=teal><H1>PUT NAME HERE ...OR TITLE</H1></FONT></CENTER>

then the close body tag goes here </BODY>

now to make a different line <BR> the br is like using the enter it goes to another line...2 of them will make it drop down 2 lines

<HR> the hr makes a line across your page 2 will make 2 lines...this one and the br doesn't have to be closed....

<!----put things below this line---->
I put this here so you will know everything you want on the page will be between these lines except the place above where I put ....put name here .....also to put pic on here type the codes if you want the pic in the center of the page put the center this
<CENTER><img src=address of pic here></CENTER>

...or if you want to have it where you click on it <CENTER><a href=address of pic here>click here to see my pic</A></CENTER>

if you want it to be on the right of the page type <P ALIGN=RIGHT><img src=address of pic here>

or if you want it on the left of the page <P ALIGN=LEFT><img src=address of pic here>

also you can use an unbroken spaces to place the pic in other places....that code won't show on here so e-mail me to get the code for it

if you want to put a link to another page or e-mail address.....or to any place type
<CENTER> <A HREF=address of place you want to link to here>name you want to be visable here </A></CENTER>

put your guest book here

<hr> <!---put things above this line----->
