1. Anger stems from frustration
2. Do not repay evil with evil.
3. You can become like who you are with.
4. Is someone dragging you down, then pull yourself up.
5. People and things can be misleading.
6. Promises are for keeping.
7. Pleasing others should never be a priority, pleasing God should be.
8. We given strength enough for only today.
9. Be a mirror, the mirror of God.
10. Many people lose their individual identity by trying to be too many other people.
11. Love never forgets to remember all that is good.
12. Love breaks down barriers in heart that are cold and hard.
13. Give love away and it will always come back to you.
14. You control how you feel unless someone else controls yor life.
15. Negative thoughts kill joy and happiness.
16. Only those who have ever hurt truly know how to care about others.
17. If you care you will share your life with others.
18. Complaining won't change a thing.
19. If you believe you can you will be able to.
20. Something learned can never be unlearned or forgotten.
21. There is no gain without pain.
22. When we see ourselves in others we become defensive.
23. We hear meaning with our hearts and words with our mind.
24. Praise changes things because it builds up people.
25. Be patient not impulsive.
26. Don't tolerate people, accept them.
27. Faith calls for commitment.
28. Turn problems in projects and the solution will be yours.
29. Support can come from unexpected places.
30. God has no favorites.
31. Complaining is contageous.
32. Blessings come in small subtle ways that we might overlook if we are not watching for them.
33. We become like how we spend our time.
34. We can't pick our situations in life but we can pick our responses.
35. Our mind is like a sponge it soaks up anything that gets close to it.
36. Good character equals practice of values.
37. One is no better than his word.
38. Little things count more than we realize cause they add themselves together a make a big thing.
39. Good deeds with wrong intentions sadden God.
40. Walk in the shoes of others before you judge them.
41. We all have intuition if we only listen to it.
42. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
43. Impressions can be deceiving.
44. You need an open mind when seeking advice.
45. A little kindness goes a long way.
46. Strive to understand and accept not know and reject.
47. You gain even if you fail at what you try.
48. Don't expect the impossible from yourself or others.
49. Some of our limitations are brought on by ourselves.
50. The perfect time may never come.
51. One act of kindness generates more.
52. Good works are tainted if there are selfish motives.
53. A wise man seeks truth.
54. Wisdom is digest knowledge.
55. No one is immune to troubles.
56. Never say never.
57. We avoid some questions because we fear the answers.
58. If we bend the truth to please others we are really being dishonest.
59. The way we live shows our faith.
60. Changes can make us feel uncomfortable.
61. Let truth be softened by love.
62. Most things don't happen quickly.
63. Going backwards may help us go forward.
64. Little people talk about people.
65. Don't let the petty little things in life bother you.
66. You see your faults in others.
67. Life is what you make of it.
68. Don't confuse love with idoltry.
69. The touch of a caring hand means a lot.
70. Do your best and the best will get better.
71. Defensive behavior turns away friends.
72. If we try too hard failure will come more easily.
73. Daily stress is more harmful than a major crisis.
74. Don't make small concerns into major issues.
75. Laughter makes the worst day a little bit better.
76. All choices have consequences.
77. Be thankful for what you have for others don't even have that.
78. To change a habit change your attitude about it.
79. If you think you are better than someone you don't really love them.
80. Usually how you think is how something will be.
81. Little things like fear grow bigger if not controlled.
82. In all you do you must live with yourself.
83. You can't run away from your problems for they will go wherever you go.
84. Most people question their own abilities but if you trust in God you need not do so.
85. As we think we are.
86. Be in the world but not of it.
87. Harmful attitudes can make people sick.
88. Life's filled with broken promises and shattered dreams but you can leave them in the past.
89. Struggles can pave the way to blessings.
90. Don't be religious be a Christian.
91. Listen don't just hear.
92. We all can do more than we think we can.
93. See all things with an open heart and an open mind.
94. Judge actions not people.
95. Small things can have big meanings.
96. You see potential in those you love.
97. Live for yesterday and miss today.
98. Don't ever give up on people.
99. Don't judge others by looks for it is what is inside that really matters.
100. God can help you rebuild all in your life that has been torn to shreds.

101. All relationships have some times of difficulty.
102. There is something in life that only you can do.
103. Expect failures for it is only human not to be perfect.
104. An angry response arouses anger.
105. We can't change how others live.
106. Never trust those who are not real to themselves.
107. Social position in life is irrelevent.
108. Humility is trusting God to take care of things.
109. Love always involves sacrifices.
110. You can't divorce God.
111. Don't let your heart collect junk like jealousy, fear, hatred, and greed.
112. God never hides from us.
113. There is always something to be thankful for.
114. Don't go to sleep angry.
115. No matter how small our concerns seem they all matter to God.
116. The most valued gift is love.
117. Home is where Jesus is.
118. You can't save everyone but you can try.
119. There are no back doors to God's kingdom.
120. God finishes what He begins.
121. Be honest with God, He knows the truth already.
122. As we confide in God life gets brighter.
123. People may look strong but in reality be very weak.
124. An ounce of example is worth a ton of advice.
125. Get rid of bad habits by starting good ones.
126. The content are never really poor.
126. God's judgment is inevitable.
127. You're not ready to live until you are ready to die.
128. Prejudice lets you form an opinion without any thought.
129. Mind what you say or you will say what comes to your mind.
130. If you don't have time to exchange love you're too busy.
131. Turn the other cheek really means don't get even.
132. Failure and pain are facts of life.
133. What comes from a heart touches another heart.
134. The mind may let go of something while the heart still hangs on to it.
135. Forgive with the heart, remember with the mind.
136. Not forgiving hurts us more than it does the unforgiven.
137. People need love most when they deserve it least.
138. Most feelings are nebulous.
139. Not wanting to do is different than not willing to do.
140. No tirade ever solved a problem.
141. Not what's said but what is understood matters.
142. Some things get worse before they get better.
143. To be humble is to know your limits.
144. As long as we care we have a chance.
145. We see faults in others that we don't like in ourselves.
146. Encouragement does more than correction.
147. Completing a task is the bast way to silence a critic.
148. God doesn't go by what others say we did.
149. How we handle temptation shows our character.
150. We God behind you, you can face the future.
151. A minute of kindness may last a lifetime.
152. Guard against evil or it may influence you.
153. A wise person knows what to say and when to say it.
154. Winners never quit and quitters never win.
155. The devil is out of fashion but not our of business.
156. Escuses for sin won't pardon them.
157. When God puts you on hold don't hang up.
158. A true friend will not let you stand alone.
159. Listening may be the most important thing you do today.
160. If you're not so close to God anymore you must have moved.
161. The perfect cure for worry is trust in God.
162. God is interested in your every day life.
163. It's not what you have but what you do that counts.
164. You may forget God but He won't forget you.
165. Don't count your years make your years count.
166. We can't control how we are treated but we can control our response.
167. God chooses what we go through and we choose how we go through it.
168. Temper makes a person speak his mind stopping the minding of what he speaks.
169. Nothing is too big for God to do nor is anything too small for God to notice.
170. Troubles may come from wanting or getting our own way.
171. There are positives and negatives in everything dealing with life.
172. Wise caution is always in order.
173. Courage is the conquest of fear.
174. Sin adds to troubles, subtracts from happiness, and multiplies difficulties.
175. Don't try to do everything just do what is important.
176. If you're too big for little things you are too little for big things.
177. Tell the truth and you won't be caught in a lie.
178. Sacrifice is the true measure of generosity.
179. With God there is no coincidence.
180. We all need to be needed.
181. You'll never get a busy signal from God.
182. People may doubt what you say but they will believe what you do.
183. We never know who is on the brink of death.
184. Sin by one person often brings tragedy to many others.
185. It's no sin to say no to requests.
186. Fault finding produces strife and discouragement.
187. First we make our habits then our habits make us.
188. Don't let people or situations upset you.
189. Use a calm approach to everything.
190. Our thoughts affect every situation.
191. God doesn't play favorites.
192. Good fortune may not look good at the start of things.
193. Few people do anything right the first time.
194. Clean up your inside as well as your outside.
195. Learning from experience will never cease.
196. If you really care you will do it when it is inconvenient.
197. Don't let others drag you down.
198. Intention makes action good or bad.
199. Saying and doing are two different things.
200. Fools never take advice.

201. Anger punishes self for other's sin.
202. Appearances are usually deceiving.
203. The ready to believe are easy to deceive.
204. What's worth doing is worth doing well.
205. Your worst enemy is yourself.
206. Make excuses and you accuse yourself.
207. Never changing one's mind means there is no mind to change.
208. It is useless to fear what you can't avoid.
209. Discover for yourself who you are.
210. False friends are worse than open enemies.
211. Good people aren't always nice people.
212. Ignorance is not always a good excuse.
213. What you don't know won't always hurt you.
214. We compound problems when we overreact.
215. Having a fault doesn't mean you are bad.
216. You can't please all the people all the time.
217. Don't take all your advice from one person.
218. Don't blame others for your problems.
219. Try something new on a regular basis.
220. You can't if you won't try.
221. How things are said makes a big difference.
222. Admit to your mistakes.
223. It's important to be yourself for only then are you really living.
224. Be honest with yourself for that is how you get to know all about who you are.
225. See things for what they really are.
226. Love doesn't always need words.
227. Don't compare yourself to others.
228. How we spend our time shows what our priorities are.
229. If you can't trust someone for small things don't trust them for big things.
230. Feelings don't need to control us.
231. Don't lock out an idea just because it is new.
232. You are not what you own.
233. Dwell on limitations and you will miss possibilities.
234. There's never a reason to get even.
235. Change is often hard to accept.
236. Creative work is human expression.
237. Those we chose not to forgive may not care.
238. Worry does nothing more than take your strength away.
239. Regret keeps us living in the past.
240. Tolerance is one of the greatest virtues a person can have.
241. Small beginnings can bring great results.
242. Don't confide and you won't be betrayed.
243. Casting blame solves nothing.
244. Those who cope best see the real world.
245. They brag most that can do the least.
246. Nothing is certain but uncertainty.
247. A cheater only cheats himself.
248. A penny of wisdom is worth more than a million dollars of learning.
249. God doesn't requite what we can't give.
250. Peace of mind is a precious thing to have.
251. Kindness to the cruel may cause them to feel guilt.
252. Sin looks good but costs too much.
253. You'll beieve what it is you are telling yourself.
254. Anxiety is imagined negative thoughts.
255. Most behaviors have triggers.
256. God helps you to do the impossible.
257. See criticism as a small thing.
258. The rest of your life begins today.
259. One good deed speaks many good words.
260. Some things are difficult or impossible to explain.
261. Don't set yourself or others up for failure.
262. Caring involves risking.
263. Justifying your faults won't change them.
264. Today will never come again so use it wisely.
265. It is better to fail than never to try.
266. If someone wrongs you don't tell others.
267. Everyone has enemies.
268. You can't be half a Christian.
269. Others may not know that they have hurt you.
270. Those who hurt you may be hurting most.
271. Give credit where credit is due.
272. The more you need help the more you appreciate it.
273. Gifts of kindness return in unexpected ways.
274. There is more than one side to everything.
275. Accept others as they are.
276. Happiness doesn't depend on others.
277. Change your thoughts and you will change your life.
278. Not money but love of money is evil.
279. Change takes time and determination.
280. We hurt those we love the most.
281. Education sometimes hinders our learning.
282. Most problems are of our own making.
283. Wearing a do not disturb sign locks the world out.
284. God is not impressed by status.
285. Everyone has times of dependence in their lives.
286. God doesn't test you beyond your ability.
287. Take one step at a time for progress comes little by little.
288. Respect the efforts of others.
289. It is okay to agree to disagree with someone.
290. Daily prayer lessen daily cares.
291. Give others a piece of your heart not a piece of your mind.
292. A happy home is not one without problems but is one that handles them with understanding and love.
293. No matter how much we have failed the love of God never ceases.
294. I have to live with myself so I want to be fit for myself to know.
295. Do not see what good you can gain from other people's tragedies.
296. Your heart will dictate the right path when faced with hard decissions.
297. How you behave towards others will determine how they behave towards you.
298. Tact is the ability to tell a person they're open-minded when you really think they have a hole in their head.
299. We all know someone who has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty.
300. It is the small people in the world that belittle others.

301. Life is fragile, handle with prayer.
302. Drive carefully-it's not only a car that can be recalled by its maker.
303. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.
303. If your day is hemmed with prayer, it is less likely to unravel.
304. Every minute I am angry, I love sixty seconds of happiness.
305. If you scatter thorns, don't go barefoot.
306. The ones whom you should try to get even with are the ones who have helped you.
307. The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do.
308. Character is not made in a crisis-it is only exhibited.
309. To admit you have been wrong is but saying that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.
310. Success is relative-the more success, the more relatives.
311. Those who can't forget are worse off than those who can't remember.
312. Ulcers are what you get from mountain-climbing over molehills.
313. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
314. You do not gro old-you become old by not growing.
315. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting someone up.
316. Life is just like an ice-cream cone - so learn to lick it.
317. The measure of your real character is what you would do if you knew you would never be found out.
318. Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.
319. A temper is a valuable possession-don't lose it.
320. A doy of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.
321. Some use their faith like a bus-they ride on it only while it is going their way.
322. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
323. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.
324. Where we all think alike, no one thinks very much.
325. Some people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prefudices.301. Life is fragile, handle with prayer.
302. Drive carefully-it's not only a car that can be recalled by its maker.
303. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.
303. If your day is hemmed with prayer, it is less likely to unravel.
304. Every minute I am angry, I love sixty seconds of happiness.
305. If you scatter thorns, don't go barefoot.
306. The ones whom you should try to get even with are the ones who have helped you.
307. The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do.
308. Character is not made in a crisis-it is only exhibited.
309. To admit you have been wrong is but saying that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.
310. Success is relative-the more success, the more relatives.
311. Those who can't forget are worse off than those who can't remember.
312. Ulcers are what you get from mountain-climbing over molehills.
313. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
314. You do not gro old-you become old by not growing.
315. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting someone up.
316. Life is just like an ice-cream cone - so learn to lick it.
317. The measure of your real character is what you would do if you knew you would never be found out.
318. Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.
319. A temper is a valuable possession-don't lose it.
320. A doy of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.
321. Some use their faith like a bus-they ride on it only while it is going their way.
322. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
323. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.
324. Where we all think alike, no one thinks very much.
325. Some people thing they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
326. Tact is the ability to close your mouth before somebody else wants to.
327. It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.
328. Learn to forgive. With bitterness in your soul, you can never be happy.
329. The opposite of love is not hate-it is indifference.
330. Make up your mind that you can't and you are always right.
331. It would be nice if we could forget our troubles as easily as we forget our blessings.
332. Another good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.
333. Do unto others as though you were the others.
334. You have to know yourself before you can share that self with someone else.
335. Things and people not actively used age twice as fast.
336. God tries you with a little to see what you'd do with a lot.
337. Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.
338. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
339. Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
340. The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions.
341. If we put our troubles on the table to exchange with one another-we'd all take back our own.
342. Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward things we are.
343. Thik twice before you speak, especially if you intend to say what you think.
344. A good place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm.
345. If you think you have no faults, that makes one more.
346. Swallowing pride never choked anyone.
347. If you blame others for your failures, do you credit them for you successess? 348. Smart people believe only half of what they hear. Smarter people know which haf to believe.
349. People who are wrapped up in themselves make very small packages.
350. It doesn't take a lot of muscle to give a heart a lift.
351. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
352. The haves and the have-nots can often be traced to the dids and did-nots.
353. If we fill our hours with regret over the failures of yesterday and with worries over the problems of tomorrow, we have no today in which to be thankful.
354. Parenthood: the art of bringing up children withou putting them down.
355. If there was a market for after-thought, most of us would be rich.
356. We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.
357. If you can't make light of your troubles, keep them in the dark.
358. Genuine friendship is like good helth: its value is seldom known until it is lost.
359. To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue.
360. No door is too difficult for the key of love to open.
361. When we have a pet peeve it's remarkable how often we pet it.
362. Make up your mind you can't do something and you're absolutely right.
363. People are much like fish: neither would get into trouble if they kept their mouths shut.
364. Take a tip from nature-man's ears weren't made to shut-his mouth was.
365. If you saw kindness, you will reap a crop of friends.
363. Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, not with it.
364. You cannot help people permanently, by doing for them what they should do for themselves.
365. It's tough taking your problems one at a time expecially when the refuse to get in line.
366. When God measures a man, He puts the tape around the heart inseadof the head.
367. Be patient with the faults of others: they have to be patient with yours.
368. The bank of friendship cannot exist for long withou deposits.
369. Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value to its scarcity.
370. Kindness: a language the dumb can speak and the deaf can understand.
371. Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
372. In love, we may find it better to make allowances, rather than make points.
373. Seek not revenge when you are hurt. Rather show compssion for the anger in your enemy and treat him with kindness.
374. It may be hard to find the right thing to say at the right time. But it is even more difficult to leave unsaid the wrng thing at the tempting moment.
375. Never explain-your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe it.
376.The person who points an accusing finger should remember he has three fingers pointing at himself.
377. The poorest man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream.
378. Friendship is when you may not see eye to eye but you can walk arm in arm.
379. Things turn out the best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
380. A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man made perfect without trials.
381. One good thing about putting your foot in your mouth-at least you don't step on anyone's toes.
382. Remember the banana-when it left the bunch, it got skinned.
383. Avoid disputes-you never get as much out of an argument as you put into it.
384. Yur conscience never stops you from doing anything. It just stops you from enjoying it.
385. There is a difference between an open mind and a hole in the head.
386. Happiness is that peculiar feeling you acquire when you're too busy to be miserable.
387. You get ulcers not from what you eat, but from what is eating you.
388. If you wish to be happy, let me tell you the way: don't live tomorrow till you've lived today.
389. Swallowing angry words before you say them is better than having to eat them afterwards.
390. Every evening I turn worries over to God. He is going to be up all night anyway.
391. Jesus can turn water into wine, but He can't turn your whining into anything.
392. If you scorn your fellow man and treat him badly, you shall be alone in times of trouble with none to help or comfort you.
393. Egotism is the ability to see things in yourself that other cannot see.
394. We are all manufacturers-some make good, some make trouble and still other make excuses.
395. People are usually tolerant only of that which does not concern them.
396. One nice thing about egotists-they don't talk about other people.
397. Sympathy is never wasted unless you give it to yourself.
398. We are morally responsible for every wrong which we have the power to prevent.
399. Your best friend is the one who is a friend without expecting anything.
400. There are a lot of people who never forget a kind deed-it they did it.

401. The Lord wants our precious time, not our spare time.
402. If everything is going your way, you are probably heading in the wrong direction.
403. Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof.
404. An admission of error is a sign of strength rather than a confession of weakness.
405. The est vision is insight.
406. A minute of thought is worth more than an hour of talk.
407. If it has a price tag., it won't bring lasting satisfaction.
408. Folks who think they must always speak the truth overlook another good choice-silence.
409. Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.
410. One plus one equals survival. One is you the other is God.
411. Only one who doubts his own value overestimates the worth of others.
412. It's not what you are that holds you back it's what you think you are not.
413. Not to decide is to decide.
414. Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong. Sometimes it's letting go.
415. A man without patience is a lamp without oil.
416. If in the last few years you haven't descarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.
417. When hemmed in on all sides, the only place to look is up.
418. You cannot, by doing something external, solve a problem that's internal.
419. No doctor can perform surgery on the conscience, even though it may give us terrible pain.
420. A word of encouragement will go miles further than a handful of negative warnings.
421. Tests come to soften our spirits, not harden our hearts.
422. Wouldn't it be wonderful if, when we lost our temper, we couldn't find it again.
423. Let us realize that what happens roud us is largely outside our control, but that the way we choose to react to it is inside our control.
424. We protest against unjust criticism, but we accept unearned applause.
425. The door to the human heart can be opened only from the inside.
426. Flattery is the art of pattting a person on the back in order to turn his head.
427. There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems.
428. Nothing improves the hearing more than praise.
429. If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can belive it, I know I can achieve it.
430. You can't turn back the clock. Bt you can wind it up again.
431. Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
432. Do not be like the rooster who thought the sun rose to hear him crow.
433. The hours that make us happy make us wise.
434. Any trouble that is too small to take to God in prayer is too small to worry about.
435. The man who lives by himself and for himself is apt to be corrupted by the company he keeps.
436. The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides.
437. Talent knows what to do; tact know when and how to do it.
438. Any time a man takes a stand, there will come a time when he'll be tested to see how firm his feet are planted.
439. One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness, it is usually returned.
440. If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
441. Doing nothing is the most tiresome job in the world because you cannot quit and rest.
442. The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise man grows it under his feet.
443. The remedy for wrongs is to forget them.
444. The respect of those you respect is worth more than the applause of the ultitude.
445. Anyone who isn't pulling his weight is probably pushing his luck.
446. Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
447. He who is slowest in making a promise is most faithful in its performance.
448. Nothing will be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
449. Hrdships color all of life, but you choose the color. Color it bright.
450. To have no more dreams is to rob life of its meaning.
451. Rumor travels faster, but it doesn't stay as long as truth.
452. Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to deal with it.
453. Half our trouble comes of wanting to have our own way, and the other half i due to failure to face the facts.
454. A path without obstacles probably leads nowhere.
455. Do not follow where the path leads. Rather go where there is no path and leave a trail.
456. Nothing is easier than falt-finding, no talent, no self-enial, no brains, no character are needed to be in the grumbling business.
457. Faith is the bird that sings while it is still dark.
458. The wicked may prosper in worldly things; but ther hearts are ill at ease and their heads rest uneasy in sleep, and in the end their deeds dull shall betray them.
459. Peace of mind never comes to any home when someone is always handing out a piece of his mind.
460. In trying to get our own way; we should remember that kisses are sweeter than whine.
461. Evil words are the visible sign of an evil in your soul.
462. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
463. The most disappointed people in the world are those who get what is coming to them.
464. He who plants kindness, gathers love.
465. Be a friend to yourself and others will.
466. To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue.
467. A soft answer turns away wrath.
468. A joy that's shared is a joy made double.
469. The more a man knows, the more he forgives.
470. Choice, not chance, determines destiny.
471. Hold a true friend with both your hands.
472. Friendship is love with understanding.
473. Contentment comes not from having more, but from desiring less.
474. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
475. A good friend overlooks your broken-down gate and admires the flower in your window.
476. The heart that loves is always young.
477. Miracles happen only to those who believe in them.
478. What one does, one becomes.
479. Oppurtunities multiply as they are seized they die when neglected.
480. No act of love, however small, is ever wasted.
481. Patience overcomes everything.
482. Happiness is not a destination, but a journey.
483. He who makes room in his heart for others, will himself find accommdations everywhere.
484. He who prizes little things is worthy of great ones.
485. Today well-lived makes every yesterday a drea of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
486. Worry is the misuse of imagination.
487. Friendship is the golden thread that ties all hearts together.
488. Good words cost nothing and are worth much.
489. There is always a better way, your challenge is to find it.
490. The riches that are in the heart cannot be stolen.
491. If you want anything done, give it to a busy person.
492. One of the best ways to keep friendship is to return it.
493. Charity see the need not the cause.
494. Compare your griefs with other men's and they shall seem less.
495. When in doubt, do right and let God take care of the rest.
496. Time spent alone with God can ease the pain of loneliness.
497. The very thing one likes, one does well.
498. Prayer without faith is like a ship without a captain.
499. The greatest thing you can do is simply know how to be yourself.
500. God can be the strength of your life if only you give him the chance.

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