Welcome to the observatory here in Hanson City ! Here you can find out
about the star signs of each hanson brother. Thats where we get the 
observatory from. Anyways I got all this info from the fall '99 American
Eagle catalog. So I guess it was inspired by that anyways so all credit
goes to them although I typed it up and stuff so check it out and 
see whats going on in the stars. NOTE > some people don't believe in this
umm I don't know some people live by them. I don't take responsability 
for anything if you don't agree or anything it's just the stars <   

Taylor the Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Special note I myself am a Pisces also so this also applies to me =)

For the Fall = This sign signifies a duality of nature: one part being
a spiritual disposition, the other an earthly alignment. The good news is we can have 
our cake and eat it too, by uniting our inner spirituality and physical experiences.
Focus on dance, yoga, even roller blading-anything that will bring together
our body and mind.  It just may be the thing we need to  rise above a fear 
we've been having lately.

Zac the Libra (September 23-October 22)

In his effor to avoid conflict is he sacrificing his own happiness? Sure
he wants to keep the scales in balance, but at what price? It may be time
for you to confront the source of your angst and let that person know how 
you are feeling. The brief turbulence you'll experience will be worth it 
in the long run and will give you a a renewed sense of harmony.

Isaac the Scorpio ( October 23 - November 22 )

A transformation is coming-maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon. 
Perhaps his job is no longer challenging and he would like to try something
different. Guitar lessons,(not for Ike Lol) a new sport, a different 
hobby-something in you is striving to break out of the routine. Lucky
for him, Scorpions are known for their adaptability. When he goes for
it, it's almost an ensured success.

Ok so they may not apply to hanson but oh wellers it's kinda kewl to know right?