
August 2, 2007
Web Site is Being Updated Ohio Mens Gymnastics Web Site is in the process of being updated!!!!
August 2, 2007
State Meeting Conference Call
A quick reminder that we have a conference call scheduled for August 5th, 2007 at 7 PM. If you plan on participating in the call, please contact me via E-mail or phone to confirm. We have set up the conference call for a maximum of 20 participants and can add more if need be, but will need to do so by the 3rd of August. I will get an agenda out to those who confirm. Here are some of the topics we need to discuss:
1). State Championship Bids (all bids need to be in ASAP - none have been received at this point - the area of rotation is West Central & North West Ohio)
2). Open ended scoring system for Levels 8 through 10
August 2, 2007
Congrats to Ohio's USA Championships Qualifiers!!!!
Alexy Bilozertchev, OSU Boys Team, Hilliard, Ohio (junior/16-18)
DJ Bucher, Ohio State University, Mason, Ohio (senior)
Ross Cameratta, Gymnastics World, Inc., Independence, Ohio (junior/16-18)
Matthew Chelberg, Hocking Valley Gymnastics, Athens, Ohio (junior/14-15)
Ben Ketelsen, Hocking Valley Gymnastics, Lancaster, Ohio (senior)
Miguel Pineda, Hocking Valley Gymnastics, Galloway, Ohio (junior/16-18)
Blaine Wilson,, Team Chevron, Columbus, Ohio (senior)
August 2,2007
Spring Meeting Minutes are Posted
Spring Meeting Minutes.
August 2,2007
State Calendar To Be Updated
We are in the process of updating the State Calendar. Please Email "The Web Master" at if you would like to have your meet posted on the State Calendar
August 2,2007
2007 State Meet Results
2007 State Meet Web Site are now available.
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