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Helping Me To Deal With.....

Helping Me To Deal With.....

I started working on this memorial site to help me to deal
with the sudden tragic death of my eighteen year old grandson, Josh.

Josh died in an auto accident on December 29, 1997 in northern Wisconsin.

Josh was born on March 20, 1979 the son of Rick and Vickie Bell.

My very first grandchild!
How happy and proud we all were of this perfect little bundle of energy!
I was convinced that nobody ever had a more perfect grandson than I!!

When the phone call came, I thought I would surely die,
I could not breath for what seemed years!
This must be a mistake! But it was really true.
We would never see Josh as a full grown man,
never know the pride and joy of holding his children,
All we had left were our memories of Josh.
Happy memories, sad memories.
Memories of things we wished we'd said and done.
Memories of things we wished we had not said and done.
So many memories!

When he was a little boy, we joked that we
never had to worry about Josh talking to strangers.
He never saw a stranger!

So many many teenage friends attended Josh's funeral.
It was very heartwarming to see.
Many placing mementos into the casket,
giving a rose to Vickie and Grandma Fannin.

I can't even begin to imagine the depth of suffering
that Rick and Vickie have gone through.
My hope is that building this site in memory
of Josh will help all of us to accept,
and remember how much our lives were enriched
by having Joshua those few short years that he was loaned to us.

I will add links to all the pages that make up Josh's site,
as well as links to other places of interest.

I am constantly changing and adding, so check back often.

Hopefully each visitor will read and sign the guestbook
which will be available on each of the pages.

The midi that you will hear as you visit is "I Remember You",
a special request by Vickie.

Hopefully, the site will be a combination of
dealing with Josh's death, but mostly celebrating his life,
we were so fortunate to have
had him for those few short years!

Thank you God for loaning Josh to us!!

One very special young lady, Amanda, claimed Josh's heart.
My wish for Amanda is that she will pick up the pieces
of her broken heart and celebrate life!

I have dedicated a page to Amanda. You are loved!!

I am not a writer, nor did I know anything
about setting up a site on the internet
when I started this project. Please overlook the
mistakes which you will surely find.
This is merely one grandma's attempt to deal with
and share with all who are interested.


Please, come share some memories with me.
Take your time, browse my pages, help us to celebrate
Josh's life by sharing my pictures, memories, poems, etc.
While you are here, it would mean so much
if you would please sign the guestbook.

Let's Remember Joshua!

Joshua's Other Pages

Let's Remember Joshua!
I'm An Angel Now~Dedicated To Vickie
More About Josh
Miss Me, But Let Me Go~Dedicated To Amanda
More Memories Of Josh
Little Angels
I'm Free
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
Martha's Contribution


Family Links

My Mom
Safely Home



Other Beautiful Sites

For Shari~Memorial By Bobby
Angelblueyes On Cloud Nine: Angels, poems, music, lots of good stuff!

Feathers Really Great LinksMany wonderful sights to see!

Please Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld Please View My Guestbook

Midi Playing:I Remember You

This page has been visited times since 10/19/98