ITZ, A Hanson Obsession +[reopening: NEVER]+

After a year and [almost] ½ i’ve decided that i’m done. I still respect Hanson for everything they’ve done and i will continue to follow them in there career but i will no longer act like i worship them by keeping up this website, nor will i renew my membership to MOE magazine. Doing something that is no longer fun is exhausting. And to tell you the truth, there is no "demand" for Hanson sites anymore. When i first started with this website, there wasn’t that many Hanson sites with tons of pictures and info and a good design, but now all you have to do is type "Hanson" in any search engine and you’ll get 50 million websites. See, i want to do a website on a band where you type their name in and only 10 websites pop up. I want to be known by the band as actually a fan that has time to do a website. Personally, i think that Hanson doesn’t really know how many websites are out there, nor how many hours are wasted on them. And its sick. I’m sick of getting all these emails from all these 12 year olds saying that they love Zac.

So, i’m starting over. I’m going to be starting over with a fresh start. I’m going to be working on a website for a band that doesn’t have 15 million 12 year olds screaming for them. And i’m going to be doing the website for them, the band. And see, that bands going to know me, and they will at least sign my Gbook when the visit.

To: Hanson:

Thanks for the great year and ½, i’ve had a wonderful time, i even caught one of your concerts. But now its time for me to move on, i’m saying goodbye. But hey, everyone has to grow up sometime.... ITZ, A Hanson Obsession 1998-1999

Yes, i’ll still be checking my e*mail....

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