A review of "Ultima VII: The Black Gate" by David Taylor Rating: **** (out of five) Summary: Origin's latest fantasy-adventure PC-compatible game. At 70-odd US dollars, an expensive game, but worth it. Expect to spend one to two weeks of heavy playing to solve this one. It's up to typical Origin "blow-your-mind" standards. The sub-plots are many and colorful. Conversations are more animated than ever before. The graphics are gorgeous, and the animation is excellent. The modelling of sounds (you can perceive distance) is a nice touch. Keeping it from being a 5-star game: the inventory system is clumsy, the need to reboot before playing is inconvenient, you can't control your party members individually anymore, and a bug involving disappearing keys. Don't bother playing it on most 386SX's as it isn't too fast on a 486/33, but this depends more on your video card interface and hard disk speed than anything else. Overall, the game is definitely worth it. I can't give it the 5 stars, as the most important question is, are you going to play it alot? The probable answer for this one is "yes." After you've won, if you're still the sicko "maim-and-destroy" type encouraged way back in Ultimas I-III, you can see what it's like to slaughter the general population after winning. Besides, the excellent plot and effects just make the game incredibly addicting. Requirements according to the box: IBM or 100% compatible 386SX, 386, 486 PC System REQUIRED: 2 megs RAM, 21+ MB hard disk; 256-color VGA graphics; MS-DOS V3.3 or higher RECOMMENDED: Microsoft or 100% compatible mouse; 20+ MHz; sound board MUSIC/SOUND EFFECTS (optional): Roland MT-32, Sound Blaster, Ad Lib, Sound Blaster Pro or 100% compatible sound board. DIGITIZED SPEECH (optional): Sound Blaster or 100% compatible digitzed sound board (Hear THE Guardian Speak!) $9.95 exchange form for 5.25" HD disks. Requirements according to Dave: 100% IBM-compatible 386, 486 System REQUIRED: 4 megs RAM (use 2 for a disk cache), 30 Mb FAST hard disk; 256-color local-bus or 32-bit EISA bus graphics card (don't bother with co-processors: aren't used); MS-DOS 3.3 or higher, RELIABLE mouse or track ball (you won't be using the keyboard), 25+ MHz or faster, sound board- if it doesn't talk, you're missing out. In detail: Origin's long-awaited release of "Ultima VII," the latest in their famous fantasy adventure series, is very ambitious and very large. As a friend of mine is fond of saying, "Size isn't everything," but it sure can impress. This game will chew up almost anything your hardware can throw at it, whether it's CPU, memory, graphics or hard disk performance. Origin has a history for ambitious, leading-edge games, so when they're released, our standards are artificially high. They're the Cray Research of the computer game industry. Origin sells expensive games for which you simply can't find substitutes. This game has done exceptionally well. They recouped their development expenditures on day one with 60,000 orders (they needed 50,000 to break even). An impressive feat if you consider the amount of time and money that went into this product. Check out the "Credits" when you start up the game to see why they're fond of calling their products "interactive movies." So is U7 worth the $70-odd they charge? If you like role-playing, then the answer is a definite "yes." Installing the game was uneventful for me. It was easy, and considering the size of this monster, was fairly quick. Time to play! Not! You have to reboot your computer with a different setup if you use an expanded memory manager. However, if you have 4 Mb of extended memory free and use the EMM386 that comes with DOS 5.0, you can get a utility called EMMHACK designed specifically to let you suspend EMM386, run Ultima 7, then resume EMM386 upon exit. Also, in your Ultima 7 boot configuration, give yourself a 2Mb disk cache if possible. You'll be hating life without it. The game starts out with a happy, woodsy scene with a butterfly flitting about the screen and happy, woodsy music to accompany. Suddenly static, and the screen is taken over by a pulsating background featuring the evil red face of "The Guardian" who explains to you that he's moving in on Brittania as the new ... well ... "Guardian" of the people. He then goes on to explain how you, of course, will help to serve his ends, in classic ultimate evil-dude style. This is definitely a cool part of the game. The face is pre-rendered and animated at a fairly good clip. His lips match what he's saying pretty closely and Bill Johnson (voice of The Guardian) has a most excellent evil red dude voice. Onward. No creating characters in this one. You pick a name and a portrait (male or female- big choice) and "Journey Onward." You start out watching a conversation between your old archer friend Iolo and a townsperson. They're talking about a murder just committed in the horse stables. That's when you magically pop in (you're normally an earth-bound dude, but tend to get popped into the fantasy land of Britania when things aren't kosher). So the mayor of the town quickly approaches you and charges you with finding the murderer, "but oh by the way, check the stables first." So you go to the stables. (Wait a second. Forgot to mention. Origin labelled this game "MP-13", mature players only.) In the stables, you find a man tied to the floor with stakes. All of his appendages have been severed, and 'bloody' is a dry way of describing the scene. His assistant, a gargoyle, is pinned up to the back wall with a pitchfork through the abdomen. Wow. Neat start to a neat game. I'm not too used to this kind of gore, but Origin's getting brave. (See "Wolfenstein 3D" from Apogee for truly tasteless). The plots are further complicated by two rather insidious elements recently introduced to Brittania. "The Fellowship" is a new religious organization which promotes questionable values and has grim cult-like overtones. On top of this, you have the Brittania Purity League (equivalent to the Klu Klux Klan) wanting to rid the land of those "nasty gargoyles" trying to become integrated into Brittanian society. The first thing you're struck by when entering the game is the complete lack of a grid-like feel to the world. Trees go up two stories and are modelled that way. You hear birds. A lady walks up to a street lamp, gets up on her tip-toes and turns it on. She later opens the shutters to the house and says, "It's too nice a day for these". Every character in the game has his/her own daily routine, and they're incredibly detailed. The whole game is mouse-driven. I've never been a big fan of mouse- driven anything, primarily because I hate the way mice tend to skip. Doing this game with a keyboard, though, would've proven very difficult. You click the right button and hold it down to walk towards the pointer. You clik the left button once to identify something. You click it twice to use it. You click and hold the left button to move something. These few commands more or less take care of you throughout the game, but keeping a finger near the "c" key isn't a bad idea (it's a hot key for getting into combat mode). The screen is centered about your character which means that it scrolls by to keep you in the middle. Unlike most games, there are no "status bars". Every square inch of your screen is scrolling by. This is definitely one of the most obstinant bottlenecks of the game. It uses the 256-color 320x200 resolution so common in games today, but it's changing every pixel on that screen with every step. That means having a local bus video card or EISA bus video card will improve the performance of your game considerably. The other thing you notice is these big red check marks you have to click to make pop-up windows go away. Eeww. That's not too hip at all and makes the inventory system in particular a little clumsy to use as it takes up a lot of screen real-estate in the first place. Another slightly irritating feature is the need to click on the inventory of your character before you can do so for any other character. Readying and moving items to and from your backpack is simple, but one wonders why it's left to the player to juggle items around instead of being given a complete inventory for your whole party in one pop-up window. The conversations with the townsfolk are very easy. Double click your talking target and choose from a list of topics to talk about. The topics change as the conversation progresses, and sometimes, you'll be given new topics to chat about after doing something, seeing something, or more often than not, talking to someone else. This is pretty fun at first, when you're eager to learn new faces. But when you get to big towns like Britain, the novelty wears off. Wow, you could spend a while networking in this city. Fortunately, that's not really required. You're discouraged from attacking town members unless they provoke you (which does happen later on), but in the countryside and dungeons, don't expect any niceties. However, you should always keep watch to see if the monster is approaching you menacingly. A very few of those things are actually characters, and you don't want to kill them. Combat isn't quite as exciting as it was in previous games because you aren't allowed to control the individual actions of your party members anymore. You give them overall strategies from a list of about 10, and they try to interpret those best they can. Problem is, I've yet to find one which says, "stay just barely within range of the bad guys, and rain arrows on their heads." Sometimes your characters will go off fighting the wrong bunch of monsters, so the "proximity" strategy is the one you'll probably use mostly. A neat feature I found which I didn't really realize until I was well into the game is that I no longer need to keep track of what's going on with a pencil and paper. Maybe my memory's starting to improve, but this was really nice. The conversations will prompt you with "hot" topics based on conversations you've already had. Your job is to lead the guy around be the nose. He can more or less take care of the conversation himself as long as you can network him. Bad Bug #1: if you have keys and go to sleep, in the morning they'll be gone. Solution: stick all your keys in a bag, put it on the ground, then go to sleep. Pick it up in the morning. Bad Bug #2: I personally experienced the total discombobulation of the game. A dragon with a yellow outline appeared in a tavern kitchen. Walls started to occasionally disappear until all the buildings everywhere were wall-less (yet plaques and tapestries were still hanging in midair). Not sure why this happened and haven't heard other cases of it, but if you experience the same, let me know how it happened. Solution: only affected one game thread. any other saved game was fine. Not-so-bad Bug: Enjoy reading the credits and quotes, but don't start the game after doing this. Some have experienced screens being stuck with a red colormap, others just a hang. If you can start the game successfully, you're probably going to be alright from then on. Well, this is getting long-winded. The upshot is that you'll find plenty of neato objects, monsters, weapons and armor in this game on par with any exciting fantasy adventure, but as a bonus, you'll get just a REAL complex real-time world. The couple of bugs aren't bad considering the complexity of the game. Buy it. You won't be disappointed.