Our Vows

We are here today to witness and to celebrate the marriage of Don and Callie. The words and form of the ceremony were determined by Don and Callie, and express their understanding of marriage and what they wish to express to their family, their friends, and to each other. We are gathered here in celebration with Don and Callie and to share the moment when a man and a woman join together in the bonds of love, honor, respect and responsibility that is the unity of marriage. Don and Callie today you declare the love and commitment you have expressed to each other many times before. Today each of you declares for the whole world to see, that the other person has that special primary place in your life that can only be given to one other. You two have decided to make the journey through life together and to help each other make as much of it as two unique individuals can. Your family and friends who have helped shape you into who each of you are, are here today to support you as you join your lives together as one.

Will you please face each other and join hands.

Don, will you take this woman, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Will you love her in the state of true matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honoring her at all times, and be faithful to her?

I will

Callie, will you take this man, whose hands you hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you love him in the state of true matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honoring him at all times, and be faithful to him?

I will

As you take these preliminary vows Don and Callie, I would have you remember

  • To love is to enter a whole new world, a world of togetherness, a world of sharing..all that is dearest and deepest within your hearts.
  • To love is to remember and keep alive all those unique qualities that drew you one to another in the beginning...those first halting phrases..the thrill of discovery, that wonderful feeling of oneness when your eyes first met.
  • To love is to constantly search of new ways to bring each other happiness, to make the most of every moment you share together, and marvel at how your feelings for one another keep climbing in new directions.
  • To love is to create an oasis of tranquility for one another, and a quiet place, apart from others, where you need not pretend..where you can be yourselves..and know within your hearts, you will be accepted by one another.
  • To love is to greet every day with anticipation..always eager for another opportunity to share new adventures..and gather up memories together.
  • To love is to follow the rainbow through the rain, to be able to laugh at yourselves, and be willing to say "I was wrong..I'm sorry" to forgive, and more importantly, to forget, and to always believe and trust one another.
  • To love is to come together from the pathways of our past then move forward..hand in hand, along the uncharted roads of your future..ready to risk..to dream, to dare, and to believe that all things are possible with love.

    Now at this time, continuing to hold hands pledge you vows each to the other.

    What have I to give you, Callie?
    The promise to take you as my only love from this day forward,
    to stand by your side, to listen when you speak,
    to comfort you when you cry,
    and to join your laughter with my own.
    Where there has been cold,
    you have brought warmth;
    where my life was dark,
    you have brought light.
    Callie I give you all I am and all I am to become.
    Take this ring, and with it my promise of faith, patience, and love,
    for the rest of my life.

    What have I to give you, Don?
    The promise to take you as my only love from this day forward,
    to stand by your side, to listen when you speak,
    to comfort you when you cry,
    and to join your laughter with my own.
    Where there has been cold,
    you have brought warmth;
    where my life was dark,
    you have brought light.
    Don I give you all I am and all I am to become.
    Take this ring, and with it my promise of faith, patience, and love,
    for the rest of my life.

    In as much as you Don and Callie, have consented together in the union of matrimony and having pledged your faith and love, each to the other in the presence of this company, now by the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

    You may now kiss the bride.