Some of you may have heard of BESM, or "Big Eyes Small Mouth: The Universal Anime Roleplaying game. Those of you who haven't, here's the run-down.
People create anime-style characters, using a series of rules that's in a book so I'm not going to bother explaining them here. This means you end up with a rather motley group of characters; in my case: A 'Sailor-moon Campaign oriented' mage (Skeeve), a schizophrenic mecha pilot working for the JSDF (Kawatta), an antisocial dragon (Ranith), a psionicist (Doink), a Canadian spy whose Japanese is only so-so (Omero), a 'scientific child' cough (Eugene Sichi), an innocent jam-seller (Mujakiko), and a lesbian cat-demon (Tenshi). You take your motley cast and place them in a setting; in my case: Tokyo High School. Then you, the GM (or game master) makes up a plot (or several) to throw 'em into, invite the players over, and sit back and sweat madly as they cause havoc and destruction you had no idea was even possible. (Hey, if any of my players read this... remember the whipped cream missiles and whip-creaming the Tokyo Tower?)
Well, supposedly people do serious BESM games too. But if you've got players like mine, you can't even keep social ills serious.
Here, basically, is a page for a public look into the world I've created and populated with characters even stranger than the PCs (Player Characters). All the links below are safe for people not involved in the game to look through -- ones marked SPOILER!!!! are not safe for players to look through. (Oh, I can't STOP you, but it's about the same playing spirit as reading through my notes when I'm in the bathroom. I'm running the game for your enjoyment; you won't enjoy it half as much if you look.) Thanks especially to Skeeve, for providing me with so much "player's eye view" material to put up here. ^^
Updates to this page. You know you want 'em...
Skeeve's Impressions of Various Characters -- Just to mention, Skeeve's a very funny guy, and I love some of the things he has to say about the PCs and NPCs (non-player characters).
Kawatta's Impressions of Various Characters -- As Skeeve did, Kawatta chose to comment on the characters. I laughed a lot when he sent 'em to me...
Omero's Impressions of Various Characters -- Unlike the above two, Omero wrote these as he would a spy report, so instead of just humour, there is a LOT of information here... read it. ^^
Eugene's Impressions of Various Characters -- Short but sweet.
Doink's Impressions of Various Characters -- VERY thorough, with lots of VERY good points, yes yes.
Game Quotes -- Quotes organized by game. Note that there are a huge number lacking because my players keep walking off with them.
Game Summaries -- coming when Skeeve stops lazing and starts writing 'em up. I can't, 'cause I know too much and might mention things I shouldn't.
The Truth Behind Certain PCs SPOILER!!!!! -- what it says. No players allowed. Well, you can read your own. But that's all. And I don't see why you'd want to do that.
The Truth Behind Certain NPCs -- what it says. The main page if you click this link will have all the stuff the players learned that Skeeve might not have mentioned. Players can go there if they like, to remind themselves. But under each character on that page, there'll be a link, and that'll contain what the players DON'T know. So if you're a player and you read the links off the NPC page, prepare to die..
Image Gallery -- game art from myself and others.
Guardians of Order -- The people who made this game. Support them!!
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