Mama's first award from u&! *fluvv* 2-7-2000
Wowie... Just in time for Valentine's Day, Mama recieved her first award. She feels loved now. *grins* Thank you so much Nishi for the beautiful award. *wipes a tear* If you haven't been to, why the heck not?! Go! Go and oooh at the pretty information.

March 10, 2000
Imagine my surprise when I checked my inbox and found two awards sitting pretty, waiting for me. ^^ Both are from Katagillian who evidentally found Mama through Crystal Kakyuu who has got to be one of the nicest people I've met. ^^ Because of their size, AND beauty (hey.. i'm not at all biased..) I've set links for you to see their pictures. ^^ Maybe when I get off my but and change the layout of this awards page, you can see them without having to click for 'em. *looks sheepish*
Molly's Award   Serenity's Seal
Lookie! a new award! Thank you so much! November 17, 2000
Imagine my surprise at coming back to sailormoon world and finding this lovely award waiting for me. ^^ It's courtesy of Abigail, who has an amazingly detailed shrine to Motoki, and you should all go see. Thank you so much!!! ^______^
The Naoko Takeuchi Fan Club! Yay! August 21, 2001
Yay! Another award! I'm so happy! *purrs contentedly* Thank you very much, moruganu! I got this award the 15, but have finally gotten the time to add it to my collection. *dances about happily* In case the name of the site didn't alert you [alt tags, people! alt tags!] her site is The Naoko Takeuchi Fan Club. Quite a cute idea and site. You really should go see, oooh, ahhh, and join up. Come on, you know you want to. ^___^
