What is a Hero?

Transition:  List or describe the qualities which, in your opinion, a person must have in order to be considered "heroic."

Mythology is the study of                            , which are stories told by cultures around the world in order to describe how     and the                              came about.  Myths are                            , in fact to the cultures who create them, they are very often connected to that culture’s
                                .  Myths are meant to be                                                      that is to say, they aren’t necessarily provable.  Many myths from around the world have                          which are undeniable.  There are many theories as to why myths tend to follow a certain pattern.
    One man who was very interested in the similarities of myths was                                                 , a Swiss psychologist who specialized in dream therapy.  In his studies he noticed similar images and characters appearing in the dreams of very different people from different cultures and backgrounds.  He called these similar images and characters                             , from the Latin words arch meaning "high" and typos meaning "model."  Human beings didn’t invent archetypes, Jung theorized, but archetypes exist because of common human                                                      .
     Another important figure in the study of archtypal mythology is                             
                             .  He applied Jung’s theory of archetypes to world                                      and identified several archetypal characters, among them the                                (Hercules, Moses, Buddha,) the                              (Darth Vader, Satan,) and the                                                 (Mother Nature, Gaia, Mary.)   His theories about the archetype of the                                 will form the basis for our unit.

The Hero’s Journey
The traditional hero’s journey follows a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
It can be represented by a circle: