Place Yer Bets

By Husky/Washu

"Listen up. I think we all remember the episode with Husky and her sugar high yesterday,"  Bowser glanced at me. "And I’ve decided I don’t wanna spend money on repairing the damage.  So all nine of you are gonna run a race. You can take one item with you during the race. Or, you can use your Wands. You must get to the finish line first. Go around asking people who they are going to bet on. They can bet on Iggy, Karma, Larry, Lemmy, Ludwig, Morton, Roy, Wendy and Husky  If they refuse to bet, MAKE THEM. Is that clear?" Bowser instructed us.

"Yup", "Uh huh", "I get it", and "I don't get it," were some responses. Everyone rushed around to get a piece of paper and a writing utensil to write down the bets. I teamed up with Lemmy because I can’t really hold stuff in my paws.

* * *

"All right. This is how it all shook out. Peach bets on Wendy and Lemmy. Mario bets on Larry.  Luigi bets on Husky and Lemmy. Kamek bets on Ludwig and Karma. Clawdia bets on everyone.  Playful bets on… wait, it says, "Bite me". Okay, Bagles bets on Husky. Toad bets on Iggy, Morton and Roy. Yoshi bets on Lemmy, Iggy and Wendy. Washu bets on Lemmy and Karma.  And… Wario bets on Roy. Overall, Iggy has three bets. Karma has three bets. Larry has two bets. Lemmy has five bets. Ludwig has two bets. Morton has two bets. Roy has three bets. Wendy has three bets. Husky has three bets. Everyone, GET PREPARED FOR THE RACE!!!"

Peach, Mario, Luigi, Kamek, Clawdia, Playful, Bagles, Toad, Yoshi, Washu, and Wario climb into the stands. All the Koopalings and I are getting our stuff. Here’s what everyone got:

Iggy: Magic Wand
Karma: Roller Blades
Larry: Magic Wand
Lemmy: Ball
Ludwig: Latest Invention
Morton: Bull Horn
Roy: Skate Board
Wendy: Magic Wand
Husky: Nothing

"Line up at the starting line!"  Bowser roared. Everyone did. Someone shot a Bullet Bill into the sky. We took off.

Karma put on her roller blades and was soon in the lead, with Roy close behind. "I’m gonna win this, Yoshi butt!" he growled.

"Ya, fat chance." she sped faster.

"It’s time to work my latest invention!" Ludwig said. He pushed a button and he teleported ahead of Karma.

"Watch out!" she wailed.

"I’m ahead!  Wha ha ha ha ha!" Ludwig taunted. But Karma crashed into him.

Lemmy rolled by. "See ya!  Wouldn’t wanna be ya." He was catching up to Roy.

"Ay!  What’re you doing here?!"

"I’m racing, duh." Lemmy rolled past Roy.

"Get back here!"

"Geez, I’m in last place. I should get up there with Roy and Lemmy," Iggy thought. "I know!  I’ve got my Wand!" He magiced up a jetpack and flew up to Morton.

Unluckily for Iggy, Morton had his bull horn ready.  "HEY!  WHY ARE YOU RACING AT ALL?  YOU KNOW YOU’RE GONNA LOSE!  HAH HAH HAH!  LOOSER LOOSER LOOSER!!!"

But Morton didn’t look where he was going and crashed into Wendy. "Hey!" She zapped him with her Magic Wand.


"Oh shut up!" She pushed ahead of him.

"I’m gonna lose. Well, I could always use my Wand," Larry said. He transformed Morton into a sheep. "Ha ha ha! I’d like to see Morton transform back!" He ran past Morton.

"Baa?" Morton said.

Karma and Ludwig were up again. Karma caught up to Lemmy and sped in front of him.

"Hey! Get outta my way!" Lemmy snapped.

"No. You get outta MY way!" She tripped him, but Iggy put him back on his ball with his magic.

"Thanks," Lemmy thanked Iggy. Iggy nodded.

Iggy and Karma were neck-and-neck.  "Grr…" She grabbed hold of Iggy and aimed his jetpack at the sky. Iggy shot up like a rocket. "Ha ha, one down, eight to go!"

But Roy had caught up with them. "I got ya now, Yoshi!" He skidded in front of Karma. She tried to get in front, but he always kept one step ahead of her.

"You’re making me angry." she snarled.

"Uh oh. Now I’m scared!" he laughed, but Karma kicked his board and sent him tumbling off it and into Larry, who had magiced up a bike). The bike fell over.

Then, of course, you can’t forget me. When I saw Morton being transformed into a sheep (and I really LUV sheep), I took off after him. Then I remembered that he could talk a whole lot (I didn’t know he could only say "Baa"). I ran back towards Larry, but then he got that bike and peddled fast and furiously to get near Roy and Lemmy. I was almost in last place, but then I saw Wendy.

"Hey there! What’re you doing so far back here?" she asked.

"I’m not a very fast runner," I answered.

"But, you’re a sled dog, right?"

"They didn’t have sled dog teams back in Silicon Valley."


I tore ahead of her.

"Ha ha, I can finally regain the lead!  Ha ha ha ha ha!  Mwa ha ah!"  Ludwig laughed hysterically.  He teleported in front of Lemmy, but Lemmy rolled to the side so Ludwig wouldn’t crash into him.  "I will win this!" Ludwig screamed.

Then Karma whizzed next to him. "So, ya think you’re goin' somewhere?" she asked.

"Yup, to the finish line!" It was about 100 yards ahead.

"You’re NOT gonna win!" Karma stuck out a roller blade and tripped Ludwig.

"Is THIS how you treat your Met? Ow." Lemmy rolled over him.

Wendy came huffing and puffing behind me. "This is NO job for me. Yet I MUST win for my adoring fans!" I heard her mumble. She magiced up a hover car thingy and flew past me, but I hitched a ride.

Lemmy and Karma were in a close race. First Karma was in the lead, then Lemmy, then Karma, then Lemmy. "Iggy can’t help ya now."  She sneered, pointing up.

"Yeah, but I won’t need it," Lemmy shot back, rolling away from her. She followed.

Then Wendy and I came floating up. Wendy shot between the two. "Hey!" Karma and Lemmy shouted in unison.

Ludwig, Roy, Larry and Morton were battling it out about ten yards behind. Morton kept baaing while Larry shot blue streaks of light at Roy. Ludwig tried his invention, but it just didn’t work anymore. "Darn thing," he grumbled, tossing it at Morton.

The invention hit Morton in the head and he changed back to his original shape. "I WILL WIN THIS RACE!  YES!  IT WILL BE ME WHO WILL WIN!  ME!!! I LOVE RACES! DO YOU THREE?! I DO BECAUSE THEY’RE FUN AND NOBODY KNOWS WHO WILL WIN…"

Larry changed Morton into a goat, and it rammed into Roy and Ludwig.  "Ow! Hey, cut it out, Morton!" Roy yelled.

We were about 25 yards from the finish line when Karma burst ahead of Wendy and Lemmy.  She kicked up dirt and sand as the skated for the finish line. Lemmy almost passed her when she crossed it. Karma had won! Bowser came out to congratulate her. "Yeah, yeah, hooray, I’m glad you won," he mumbled.

Ludwig, Lemmy, Larry, Wendy, Morton, Roy, Kamek, Clawdia and Washu cheered for Karma.

Where’s Iggy? "AAAHHH!!!" Iggy screamed as he crashed into the ground. "Ow…"

The End

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